
Jacob's Well Chu...

Jacob's Well Church

Numbers / Oct 20, 2024
Oct 20, 2024
Hey there everyone! We have moved on from the book of Exodus to the book of Numbers! The Israelites are traveling from place to place, but sometimes things aren't going so well because they keep trying to do things their own way and not God's way. But this week we are going to learn about how God had them send 12 spies into the land that He promised to them. And guess what? It was great land! The soil was rich and produced great harvests! Plenty of water and room for the whole nation! But there was one problem. The people who lived there were kind of scary! Even though God promised to give that land to Israel, most of the spies were too scared to obey God. But two spies, Joshua & Caleb, trusted God. Find out what happens in today's lesson!