
Jacob's Well Chu...

Jacob's Well Church

Multi-Player / Game Over / Week 2
May 26, 2024
Hey everyone! We are back with week 2 of our series called GAME OVER! Believe it or not, we can learn a little bit of what God wants for us through video games. It's true! Last time we learned that there are certain things we do that do not work when we try to follow Christ. Living like the world wants us to live while also trying to follow Jesus is just like trying to play an XBOX game on a Nintendo DS. It just doesn't work! They are incompatible with each other! This week we are learning about how God never meant for us to live this life alone. We need a player 2, 3, even player 4 in our lives. We need friends! Find out what happened when God saw someone who was alone and needed a friend. Check it out!