Divine Institutions
Topical Series
Lesson 22 | Institution of the Church
June 26, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • 1 Timothy 3:14–16
What is the church? Which church is Christ building? How do we become a part of the church? What is the structure of the church? What are the roles within the church of the living God? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher answers these questions, as well as, examines the institution of the church relationship to the other institutions.
Lesson 21 | Institution of Work
June 15, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Colossians 3:25—4:1
If you don't work neither should you eat. How is work comprised? What is it for? How do work for a froward master? How do I treat servants under me? In this lesson Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher addresses these questions that you may work diligently yet do so in the singleness of your heart unto the Lord.
Lesson 20 | Institution of Government Pt. 3
June 8, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Romans 13:1–7
What is the role of government? What is their sword? What is the good and evil they praise and revenge? What is the Christian's relationship to government both in motivation and deed? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher addresses these questions through examining the main texts in the New Testament on government.
Lesson 19 | Institution of Government Pt. 2
June 1, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Romans 13
Government is a temporary institution of God to restrain evil. In this lesson Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher shows the fundamental role of government to restrain violence and protect life. God gave government the sword to execute wrath; however, we as believers are not called to wrath but goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering like Christ.
Lesson 18 | Institution of Government Pt. 1
May 25, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • 1 Timothy 2:1–8
God instituted government. Another relation in which man operates in and under. What is government? How does it relate to the other institutions? What is the role of government? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher in this lesson introduces the institution of government.
Lesson 17 | Institution of Family Pt. 5
May 11, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 6:1–4
Parents are to lay up for their children both physically and spiritually. The parents lay up spiritually by bringing their child or children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Part of this teaching is to instruction their offspring to obey them and honor them. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher takes one final look on family in this series by concluding what parents are to teach their children, but to also bring to light that children are instructed of the Lord to obey and honor. What is obedience? and, what does it mean to honor?
Lesson 16 | Institution of Family Pt. 4
April 27, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Proverbs 22:6
As parents we lay up for our children physically and spiritually. Spiritually we train up our children in the way they should go by bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher examines what the nurture and admonition of the Lord is and the importance of teaching our children - a privilege that the parents are specifically given not the state or the church. Therefore use of the state and the church should be kept in view of the parents role of laying up for their children.
Lesson 15 | Institution of Family Pt. 3
April 20, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Proverbs 1:7–9
The authority structure God authored within the family is important to know. There are parents and children and such roles establish the relationship within the family. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher directs us to know these roles in the face of scrutiny and to uphold them within our minds and hearts. The children are not to lay up for the parents but the parents for the children. Children need laying up for and the parents are to lay up. Christian parents lay up for the children in all things physically and spiritually thus are to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Children need laying up for and therefore are to obey and honor their parents to particularly receive all the benefits of that admonition.
Lesson 14 | Institution of Family Pt. 2
April 13, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 6:1–4
Family is the bedrock of any and all society. Family is authored and ordained by God. Everyone of us are because of God's institution of family. With attacks on the family it is important for us to understand what God set forth. In this lesson Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher teaches ungodly and godly reasons to have children, the roles of parents and children, and the responsibilities of these roles.
Lesson 13 | Institution of Family Pt. 1
April 6, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 6:1–4
God's eternal purpose in Christ is to have a divine family. Family is the environment which He not only authored, but draws from for His house. The temporary experience we all know with or without natural affection God has honored for it points to His eternal experience in love within His family now and to come. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher observes the basics of family, as well as, God's honor of family.
Lesson 12 | Institution of Marriage Pt. 9
March 30, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Romans 16:3–4
A godly husband is to carry out his role and responsibilities of love and authority to his wife. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher finishes looking at the maintenance, purpose, and exercise of the husbands headship. The institution of marriage in this series is concluded by examining Priscilla and Aquilla as a case study of a godly marriage.
Lesson 11 | Institution of Marriage Pt. 8
March 23, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 5:22–33
The responsibilities of a godly husband are authority and love. The husband is to love his wife like Christ loves the church and as himself. Love tempers authority and authority is capacity for this love; yet, all too many husband extol their authority but don't execute its' stewardship. What is headship? How is it maintained? What is its purpose? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher addresses these questions and more in this lesson.
Lesson 10 | Institution of Marriage Pt. 7
March 16, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 5:22–33
What are the God-given instructions and responsibilities for the husband in her marriage? As Christ is the head of the church, the husband is of the wife, but what does this mean? What does this look like? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher teaches husband headship isn't totalitarian rule, nor an office to abuse. Learn the two main responsibilities the husband is given in marriage, that is, authority and love. Learn about authority and love being joined together and not to be exercised one without the other.
Lesson 9 | Institution of Marriage Pt. 6
March 9, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 5:22–33
What are the God-given instructions and responsibilities for the wife in her marriage? Who does she first obey - her husband, or Christ? How is this carried out in life? Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher teaches from the scriptures the two main responsibilities toward her husband as she obeys God by providing four categories in which she is given to carry them out.