
416: Creating an Internship Program and Avoiding Ministry Burnout

with Ben Stapley and Darren Foreman

Today we’re talking with a good friend of the podcast, Ben Stapley.

Ben currently serves as the Executive Pastor at The Life Christian Church in West Orange, New Jersey. He leads staff and volunteers to execute worship experiences and more.

We’ll be talking with Ben today about how to create an effective internship program at your church.

We also welcome on the show, Darren Foreman. Darren is the Pastor of Auxiliary Ministries at Eagles Nest Church in GA. Darren has some great thoughts today on how to avoid ministry burnout. 

These topics obviously can work together. If you have a great internship program, the load lightens on you. That’s one aspect. Darren will talk about more things you can do to prevent frying to a crisp.