
The Timing Of The Rapture

Various Passages

May 25, 2022 • Jeff Lyle • Matthew 24:21–22, 2 Thessalonians 1:4–10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1–5, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17, Matthew 24:29–31

The vast majority of Christians live with an eager expectation of Jesus Christ returning to earth. This is our blessed hope. This event will begin the vindication of His holy name. Yet, Christians hold to different views concerning how and when the return of our King will take place. Many believe that Jesus will return and rapture the Church before the beginning of the Tribulation period. Because of this, they do not live with much concern about what happens during the awful time period decried as the Tribulation. This message shares a deep concern that those who believe in a pre-trip rapture are not biblically informed. Where does the Bible teach a secret catching away of the Church that prevents the elect from the reign of the Antichrist? Practically speaking, if the pre-trim rapture theory is not true, is it reasonable to be concerned that many are not prepared to endure the unparalleled difficulties that belong to the Tribulation which are recorded in Scripture? This message presents a biblical framework for a post-Triublaitonal rapture, and is filled with practical exhortations for believers at the end of the age to prepare for the trouble to come. In the end, we must remember the all-sufficient grace of God who knows how to preserve His people in times of warfare.