
Together With God In Paradise

Revelation 21:1-8

September 21, 2022 • Jeff Lyle • Revelation 21:1–8

With God and mankind, it all began in a garden together. Eden’s paradise fell into curse and decay via the sin of Adam. The beautiful oneness between God and man was spoiled. Yet, the story continued with the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, who redeemed all that Adam forfeited. In the 2,000 years since Jesus rose and ascended back to the Father, all of humanity has been awaiting the restoration of that paradise. In this final message in the Discerning the Days sermon series, God creates an eternal paradise in which He will dwell alongside of a rescued Bride for all of eternity. This is the beautiful ending of a stunning story of sin, forgiveness, loss and restoration. It began in a paradise lost and will end in a paradise secured. This is the climax of grace and faith: God and mankind dwell together again. This time it is forever.