
Harnessing Your Pain

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

February 23, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

One of the most challenging aspects surrounding the reality of suffering is determining the source of our suffering. Different Christian viewpoints will give drastically different answers. Did a sovereign God cause me to suffer? Is the devil afflicting me with intentional warfare? Am I being punished for my sins? Or is suffering just built in to the human experience, therefore I am to accept it? All of us have wondered about these issues at times. Paul the Apostle suffered like few others in the Bible. This message reveals an intense season in Paul’s life where He asked God to remove his suffering and God told Paul, “No.” From Paul’s response to his season of suffering, you and I are able to learn some incredibly helpful insights about how God allows suffering to work some of His most precious offers into our lives as His children. The devil may be the source of our suffering, but he never has to have the last word about the final outcome.