
Turning Trouble Inside-Out

2 Corinthians 1:3-10

February 23, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

The modern American Church has almost zero theology for suffering. It’s like the uninvited visitor who shows up and takes over for a little while, leaves abruptly, and never announces when he is coming back again. We are unable to deny the reality of suffering, and we cannot pretend that Christians are immune from it. Yet, it certainly is not the will of God that His children remain so awkward when thinking upon suffering and discussing it within the context of the Kingdom. The words of the Apostle Paul serve as a beautiful template for all of us who are experiencing suffering or know someone else who is currently enduring painful difficulty. What good comes from suffering? Why would a loving God allow it in the lives of His people? What do I do with my fears, weaknesses and doubts that arise when the suffering finds me and does not leave? These are not questions without biblical answers. We just need to learn to trust what God says and then welcome Him to bring stunning grace to help us. That is exactly what Paul learned to do.