
Courage Under Fire

Nehemiah 4:4-14

July 6, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • Nehemiah 4:4–14

When God calls an individual or a people to a Kingdom mission, it is always the case that the enemy will oppose the work. Satan hates Kingdom advancement, and he is a committed foe as he seeks to undermine whatever God’s people are doing for the glory of God. Relentlessly, the enemy uses any means available to bring a halt to the work. He seeks to intimidate, debilitate and frustrate the people and the mission. In this message, we see two humans who are raised up to oppose the mission of Nehemiah. From their tactics we are made aware of how our enemy fights us today. From Nehemiah’s response to the opposition, we learn how to resist, respond and endure until the work is completed. When the enemy fights you, it is not game-over. It’s game-on. And God has determined a breakthrough for you. Whoever chooses not to quit is the one who wins.

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