There are two powerful realities that we need to get deeply reacquainted with: 1) God disciplines His children when we go astray and 2) God restores His children when they humble themselves and return to Him. In one of the most encouraging and poetically beautiful sets of verses in the Book of Isaiah, God tells us about Himself and reveals a Kingdom Key to experiencing His grace, gentleness, and mercy. What makes it all the more interesting is that His statements are made when His people seemingly least deserved His kindness. He is an amazingly gentle Father to us. May we never stray from Him again, but if we do, may we remember that He will release blessing to the burdened if we turn back to Him.
The Beauty Of Brokenness
December 10, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Matthew 5:1–6
As Jesus begins to release His sermon on the mount, He imparts to His hearers what are commonly referred to as the beatitudes. These are the core values of His heart and, therefore, the core values of His Kingdom. While our tendency is to look at these beatitudes as rules to follow, we must learn that is not the actual intention of Jesus. The beatitudes are not commands. Jesus is simply stating these things as the things He values and what He imparts to His followers. With each beatitude, there is an attached reward. These first four of the eight core values that Jesus teaches deal with the inner condition of our hearts. Clearly, as we hear Him impart what He values to us, we are quick to discern that Jesus is completely different than the world around us and its values. He invites us to join Him in this life of distinction and to live in the beauty of brokenness.
Exposing Impotent Tradition
December 3, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Luke 11:14–26
On one occasion, Jesus cast a demon out of a man and it led to a debate about whose power Jesus was operating under. The religious crowd accused Jesus of using Satan’s power to cast out demons. Others demanded further proof beyond His casting out demons. Jesus, instead of walking away from His detractors, used this opportunity to teach about the dynamics of demonic possession and what is required to set people free from them. Demons are real and they are fully active in the present day. How can we defeat them? Does it require traditions, disciplines or counseling? Well, you may be surprised that none of those things intimidate a demon. There is only one thing to which they respond: the power and authority of Christ in us. This message highlights why Jesus says this is true.
What’s Your Exit Strategy?
November 19, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Luke 12:13–21
It is extremely rare to meet a person who has no desire for more financial wealth. The default heart posture for nearly all humans is that we would prefer to have more money tomorrow than we have today. The entire American Dream is rooted in the unexamined presumption that more wealth = more happiness. So, most people live with a goal to have more mon ey, accumulate more material goods, and enjoy more leisure. Jesus once taught about such a man. Sadly, the Savior ended up describing this kind of person as a fool. Why? Not because money is wicked. The reason Jesus calls this type a person a fool is because he chased after money, lived for money, and structured his life around money. When it came time for the man to die, his entire life was viewed as a tragic waste. This message empowers us not to follow that same pathway, and to plan for ourselves an exit strategy that makes us rich for eternity.
The Other Realm
November 5, 2024 • Jeff Lyle
There are 400+ years of prophetic silence between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament. Malachi’s prophecy ends with the promise of a God-sent messenger who will make the way for the King of kings. Matthew’s Gospel opens with that very prophet, John the Baptist, declaring that the Kingdom was now coming to earth. Jesus began His public ministry by calling people to repent and receive the Kingdom. His parables begin with the words, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…” His first beatitude in the Sermon on the Mount promises the Kingdom. He taught His disciples, in the Lord’s Prayer, that their first request was to be for the Kingdom to come. Paul taught the Kingdom. Peter proclaimed the Kingdom. John, James and Jude all wrote of the Kingdom of God. So…maybe it is time we made the effort to comprehend just exactly what the Kingdom of God truly is. This message will stir your heart to learn more. After all, the Kingdom of God is the mission of God which never ends.
Why God Allows Suffering
October 29, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Peter 1:6–7
If God is truly good, why does He not prevent bad things from happening? This question has been a torment to many theologians and philosophers throughout the centuries. The answer for Christians is not really a mystery. Why God allows difficulty and pain to find us is answered clearly in the verses covered in this message. The issue is not whether the question can be answered, it is whether or not the answer will be received by us.
Turning Things Around
October 22, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Samuel 7:3–13
For a group of people to get things right with God, it usually requires a leader who will say all the tough words that result in the right action. Even then, things can get dicey. Does God come to the aid of those who have been dodging Him? If the answer is NO, then we are all in grave danger. God frequently rescues the wanderers, the rebels, and the reluctant to obey. This is grace for the stubborn.
A Prophetic Plea To Persevere
October 15, 2024 • Jeff Lyle
During a Sunday morning service at Antioch Outpost, Holy Spirit moved in such an impacting way that the plans for the morning were set aside in order to go deeper in worship and prayer. The message released by Jeff Lyle was a passionate, motivating call to continue to endure whatever is required in order for each believer, and the assembly at AO, to fully receive all that God is offering. This short message will likely strengthen the resolve of any who hears it to never quit on the callings of God.
Where Is My Breakthrough?
October 8, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Exodus 23:27–31
God has promised to lead His people in lives of victory. The ultimate end of the race for the followers of Christ is the place of everlasting triumph - this is our inheritance. Getting to the end of our race, however, contains much struggle and the requirement to learn how to run according to God’s Kingdom ways. When breakthrough seems a long time coming, how is the Christian to respond? When it seems like the enemy is prevailing against us, what are our options? Why does it take so long to secure the win? An obscure Old Testament passage from the book of Exodus holds the keys to understanding how God brings us breakthrough.
Supernatural Powers of Healings & Miracles
September 17, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Corinthians 12:7–10
The entire biblical history of the relationship between God and His people contains elements of supernatural works. Visions, miracles, healings, conquests and deliverances from dark powers are all throughout the biblical narrative. God's portion of these miraculous moments is in the supply of power. Our portion is the exercise of faith. The question for many is whether or not we should reasonably expect these same types of occurrences in modern times. This message helps us to understand the dynamics of what can happen when our faith meets God's power. Healings, miracles and unassailable trust are gracious gifts provided to us today.
Words of Wisdom. Knowledge & Faith
September 10, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Corinthians 12:7–10
Hearing from God is an immeasurable privilege. To walk in such intimacy with the Almighty that you can personally hear His voice - what an amazing occurrence! Yet we are accountable for what we hear, and He sometimes calls us to share it with others. What does it mean to receive and release a word that we receive from God? What abut the faith that allows us to hear the word, believe that it is from God, and to release it in the way He desires? These three gifts of the Spirit are powerful tools to build up the body of Christ and to reveal God’s ways and will to one another.
Introducing Spiritual Gifts
September 3, 2024 • Jeff Lyle
In this latest Truth Shots episode, we are challenged to reconsider our understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The core teaching comes from 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul emphasizes that spiritual gifts are given to each believer for the common good of the church. We are reminded that these gifts aren't just for a select few or limited to a specific time in history, but are meant for all believers today. Or are they? Many Jesus-loving, Kingdom-advancing Christians emphatically deny that Holy Spirit gifts continue today. This episode encourages us to embrace both the Word of God and the gifts of the Spirit, rather than choosing between them ourselves or forcing others to do so. As we reflect on this, we're invited to examine our own beliefs and ask ourselves: Are we fully embracing all that God has for us through His Spirit?
What If We Were Wrongly Taught
August 27, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Corinthians 12:1
As we continue to explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Truth Shots, we are challenged in this episode to reconsider our understanding of the Holy Spirit's active role in our lives today. Spiritual gifts are not just a theological debate, but a vital aspect of our Christian walk. The Bible alone must settle the ongoing debate about the modern validity of spiritual gifts. This teaching encourages us to study Scripture with an open mind, seeking God's truth rather than relying solely on denominational teachings. We are called to earnestly desire spiritual gifts – that has to mean something! Whoever reached you first with their teachings on Holy Spirit gifts is likely the source of what you still believe today. But what if you were taught error? This message invites us to examine our own beliefs and practices, challenging us to grow in our understanding and use of spiritual gifts for the benefit of the Body of Christ.
Holy Stubbornness
August 20, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Nehemiah 4:1–14
Our lives are to be lived out as those who intentionally seek to build a monument of glory for God. This is not an overstatement. Your life is to be lived for God’s glory. Who we are, what we do, and all that we possess is meant to be stewarded in ways that point ourselves and others back to the God who saved us. When you say Yes to this type of living, you will find favor from God and opposition from people. Nehemiah’s story plays out this reality. In this Truth Shot, we will see how Nehemiah was able to endure opposition, clarify his ongoing priorities, motivate others to remain faithful, and finish the glory-assignments given to him by God.
After The Assault
August 13, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Isaiah 54:15–17
God has not committed Himself to prevent any and all attacks upon His people. We need to accept this truth. The Bible is clear that godly people will be persecuted. Not only will other people treat the Christian unjustly at times, but there is also the reality of warfare from the demonic realm. No, God does not immunize us from assault…but He does pledge to empower us to withstand the attacks and to stand in victory once the assault has come and gone. This Truth Shot helps us to see how God meets us in the attacks against us, causes our enemy to ultimately fail, and vindicates us when we continue to trust Him during the pain and persecution.