
How God Stirs The Pot

Jonah 1:1-3

November 23, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • Jonah 1:1–3

God sets the universal calendar. God decrees The Who, The What, The When and The Where of all occurrences in His Kingdom. When the Al mighty sets His intentions on a people, He will see His plans through the end. In the ancient Book of Jonah, God marks the wicked people of Nineveh with an evangelistic bullseye. He wants to save them. Because of this, God also marks a Jewish prophet named Jonah, whom He plans to send with His message of repentance. From these two determinations, we learn so much about the merciful heart of God and the rebellious heart of humankind. This is the first of five messages in a mini series of teachings from the incredible life of Jonah. Pay close attention to learn what it looks like when God stirs the pot.

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