
1 Corinthians


February 12, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

We have finally hit the last chapter of 1 Corinthians. Paul has finished his main points but we still have a few more takeaways about being a part of God's Kingdom. The first is that we are to be good stewards and give generously. The second is to follow God's timing and being willing to adapt to it. The third is to do everything in love. The fourth is to serve others first. The fifth is that we are to be living in unity with one another. The final point is to trust in Christ. Connor goes over each of these points in depth as we wrap up the 1 Corinthians series.

Resurrection Part 2

February 5, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

How can two things which should never be connected be bridged somehow? Just look at the size and complexity of bridges going over large rivers and chasms. Just as hard to grasp is our transformation from this body to the next. Our body is to go from corrupted, dishonored, and weak to without corruption, glorified, and strong. Paul explains that for now our body is from dust and will go back to dust, but when Jesus returns, we will transform and have a body like His. This is necessary because corruption cannot inherit incorruption. Thankfully, Jesus has defeated the sting of death and makes all of this possible. Be confident in your hope. Work hard for the Lord. Find comfort in His victory.

Resurrection Part 1

January 22, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

A lot can be gained from understanding the resurrection better, especially when our culture is filled with the imagery of zombies and ghouls. The people in Corinth had a tough time understanding this part of the Gospel too. The resurrection of Christ and our own future resurrection is essential to the Christian faith however. This knowledge should affect us day to day since it should change our entire perspective in this life. The difference of the resurrection of Christ is that its power persists today and affects what has yet to come. It is up to us now to make sure other people are changed by this wonderful news.

Building Up the Church

January 15, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

There is a big difference between people who use their gifts to build themselves up versus those who build up the church. So what does it mean for the church to be "built up?" First, the foundation of the church must be Jesus Christ. So, to build upon the church, you must be building up the name of Jesus. Those in Corinth however wanted to make their own name great instead by using their God given gifts in amazing ways. So how does Paul plan on correcting them? Paul came up with three rules to create order. These rules include everything from the method to speaking in tongues to women being silent in the church. Controversial topics, but Lead Pastor Connor Kraus bring clarifying context to what Paul is saying. He also gives three familiar ideas for how we in Topeka can be building up the church.

Love Never Fails

January 8, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians 13

Faith, Hope, and Love - but the Greatest of these is Love. Pauls take a quick detour in his letter to Corinth immediately following his words on Spiritual Gifts. His first main point is this: No matter what position, gifts, or skills you possess, you need to have love, or it will be for nothing. So how can we take love and apply it to ourselves? Paul describes what love is in action: patient, kind, and does not hold grudges. However, the list Paul gives is not exhaustive. It is a list that directly applies to what he has seen in the church at Corinth. Loving well is seemingly impossible but we have seen one who has perfectly embodied love: Jesus. Thankfully, we look forward to when that perfect love will come and never end.

Gifts for All, All for Christ

January 1, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

What are spiritual gifts and how are they to be used? There are many types of gifts and services but they all come from the same Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians and grants these powers to be used to help others. Gifts are diverse but every Christian has one and often times more. The diversity of gifts and people under Christ makes the church body of Christians strong. There are many parts, but one body. So don't neglect to use the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you.

Fit for the Supper

December 18, 2022 • Jeremy McGrath • 1 Corinthians

Does it matter how we approach the Lord's Supper? TBC Student Ministries Pastor Jeremy McGrath seeks to answer this question by looking at what Paul says about it in 1 Corinthians.

Christian Order

December 11, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

Connor dives into one of the most controversial passages in the New Testament to bring light to its contents. The relationship and order between men and women is a tricky topic in today's culture. Should a woman's head be covered or else have her hair cut off? Well, it might not be as literal as you think, but rather a specific cultural instance that was taking place in Corinth. There is still a look into cultural modesty and the eternal message of God's glory to be found in the passage. In reality, there is a beautiful picture, of equality, not the other way around. We shown what it can look like to bring the attention of others to the cross and God, rather than ourselves.

Learn from the Past

December 4, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians 10

It is important to learn from past mistakes from others and yourself. We Christians today, and those Paul is writing to in Corinth, can learn a lot from the Israelites in the wilderness from the Old Testament. Just as God saved them from physical slavery in Egypt, so have we been saved from slavery: sin. The Israelites responded by rejecting God's blessing and attempting to go their own path. We can make the same mistakes and get too comfortable with sin if we are not careful, so we should embrace God's blessing instead.

All Things to All People

November 27, 2022 • Jim Congdon • 1 Corinthians

Living off the Gospel

November 20, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

The relationship between ministry and money has always been a tricky subject. Even Paul had practical needs in order to survive and argues that he has a right to compensation through such work. However, Paul also says he doesn't not make use of this right so that in asking it does not hinder the Gospel. So how is Paul able to provide the Gospel free of charge? He was provided for by generous and mature Christians. So reasonably, money does help further the Gospel because of practical needs, but we cannot "hinder the Gospel" in asking for support.

Grub for the Wrong Gods

November 13, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

It is very tempting to still partake in the way you used to live after you have freedom in Christ. You might have the knowledge that it doesn’t matter, but that freedom still has weight. Think of the weaker people around you who might fall as a result of your actions. To harm someone's faith is no small thing. Therefore, do not do the actions of your past because the well being of your fellow Christians is that important. It is worth the sacrifice. Do everything you do for the glory of God so that others might be saved.

Singleness in Christ

November 6, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

God has called and redeemed us from a life of sin. Paul reminds us that the world is passing away and lifts us up to a higher standard. We then must evaluate our relationships from an eternal perspective. This is why Paul says that it can be considered preferable to stay single, but that marriage is the best option for most people. Unmarried people are able to better focus on the things of the Lord. A married person must devote a lot of energy to their spouse or kids. Marriage is then a distraction in some ways compared to the possibilities of an unmarried life. He calls us to understand the hard truth that our significant relationship will last until death, but after that, it will be as if we didn’t have a spouse. That is our future whether we like it or not. However, we can still have these deep emotions in this life for another regardless. Singleness has its own advantage: to be devoted to the Lord without distraction.

Marriage in Christ

October 30, 2022 • Jim Congdon • 1 Corinthians

We have become a society obsessed with sexuality. At the time, Corinth was just like now when it comes to its fixation on the pleasures of the body. But God decided to start His church in such a place of wickedness. Many Christians decided to combat sexual immorality by forgoing sex altogether and throughout history have gone to extreme measures to do so. However, Paul assures Corinth that sexual relations with one's spouse is a marital duty and good. A prudish view of sex is as ungodly as the pagan view of it. In the right context, sex is a gift from God, but it is extremely dangerous otherwise.

Bought at a Price

October 23, 2022 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians

"Everything is permissible for me" - but not everything is beneficial. As Christians, we have been set free from the slavery of sin. However, we have the freedom to go back to sinful things even though we shouldn't. It is easy to convince ourselves that we are saved so it does not matter if we sin. But our body is more than a tool to do things for earthly pleasure. God values our body as more than that. So have a higher view and purpose for your body. One of the most difficult sins to fight is sexual immorality. Sexual acts with a spouse is a blessing, but otherwise is a curse. The damage is not noticeable immediately, but eventually it will be excruciating. Our body is a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, so glorify God with your body. Flee sexual immorality.