
Love Never Fails

January 8, 2023 • Connor Kraus • 1 Corinthians 13

Faith, Hope, and Love - but the Greatest of these is Love.

Pauls take a quick detour in his letter to Corinth immediately following his words on Spiritual Gifts. His first main point is this: No matter what position, gifts, or skills you possess, you need to have love, or it will be for nothing. So how can we take love and apply it to ourselves? Paul describes what love is in action: patient, kind, and does not hold grudges. However, the list Paul gives is not exhaustive. It is a list that directly applies to what he has seen in the church at Corinth. Loving well is seemingly impossible but we have seen one who has perfectly embodied love: Jesus. Thankfully, we look forward to when that perfect love will come and never end.

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