
Immoral Leaders

July 2, 2023 • Connor Kraus

Deconstruction is a critical dismantling of tradition and traditional modes of thought. Deconstruction of someone's faith is not inherently a bad thing, but it can be taken too far. After all, there are an abundant amount of criticisms that are completely valid towards the christian church. In this new sermon series, we will look at these various criticisms and break them down. For this week, out question is: why would I be a Christian when all the leaders have moral failures? Media loves to highlight the scandals that take place within churches and that is because scandals happen far too often. Certain Christian leaders have become idolized and put on a pedestal, and when they falter or fall, it can shake our own faith. We are not meant to follow these people who have become false idols. Instead, we are to follow God directly. Trust in the Lord. We worship God, not man.