
Judgment Before Gospel

July 30, 2023 • Connor Kraus

Why would I be a Christian when they are so judgmental? Many people leaving the church are asking questions like this.

Many do not have a problem with what we believe, but rather have a problem with out behavior. The core message we are meant to proclaim is the Gospel. While the Gospel is "offensive" to the way many choose to live their lives, it does bring about life change. As Christians, we tend to argue over other things, like morality, with people who do not yet know or care for the Gospel. When we disagree and do not present the Gospel first and foremost, people outside of Christianity only see judgment. Our duty becomes then to express the Gospel in a way that it can be well received. We need to treat those outside the faith as Jesus did: with grace and mercy. At one point, we were ignorant of the truth too. We are commanded to be kind to a world that is resistant to what we believe. Our priority should be for evangelism, not condemnation.