Everyone knows politics and religion are not acceptable conversational subjects in most social gatherings, but have you considered “money” to be placed in that category as well? What opinion do you have about bringing up the subject of someone else’s income and spending?
Recently we’ve been looking at God’s plan for our lives, saying “yes” to Him as we seek to obey Him in love. Obviously, we must first begin by saying yes to His gift of salvation, as His death paid for our sins, and yes to make Him Lord of our lives. We grow in love for Him, studying His word to see what He wills for us. Last week we discussed taking the time to follow Him, making it a lifestyle. We saw it included going to church and growing in church. Today we will look at Part 2 of taking time to follow Christ in the local church body. Our entire being should be hungering and thirsting to know Him better and loving Him above all things.
Time to Follow
February 3, 2019 • Jonathan Falwell
How many times have you signed up for a class or seminar, only for the first week to come and you have a car problem; the second week, a virus has you down; the third week, a family member needs your help, and by the fourth week you barely give the night a second thought?
In reviewing our verse for this series, we are seeking God’s expectations when He said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” As we have seen in past weeks, loving God leaves a path as we go through our day: perhaps a smile, a word of praise or encouragement, an action for the good of a stranger, etc. These are examples of “fruit” when one seeks to do His will. Today we are going to look at the importance of the local church, and why we need to make our attendance, service and growth a priority that is never put on the shelf, never letting it become something to do “next week.” Great discipline and intentionality must be exercised in order to eventually grow where we are hungering and thirsting for the Living God.
First and Foremost - Love!
January 27, 2019 • Jonathan Falwell
In our humanity, we find it so easy to dislike those who are different from us! They may have a different stand politically, or antagonize us in ways that push every button we have. We also have a tendency to stereotype people, whether they be homeless, dirty, or needy in another way. What are some lessons you've learned about being quick to judge what you see, rather than finding out the truth?
Last week we began a series on following Christ, and the steps necessary to do life His way, not ours. Today we will again use the short verse in John 14:15, learning additional ways in which our life will reflect His desire for our walk, and giving us the opportunity to tell others of the amazing transformation in our lives as we do His will.
What Must I Do As I Follow Christ?
January 20, 2019 • Jonathan Falwell
To begin our discussion on what we must do to follow Christ, I thought a great place to start would be remind ourselves of a group of people who struggled to follow God during their long journey.