How many times have you signed up for a class or seminar, only for the first week to come and you have a car problem; the second week, a virus has you down; the third week, a family member needs your help, and by the fourth week you barely give the night a second thought?
In reviewing our verse for this series, we are seeking God’s expectations when He said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” As we have seen in past weeks, loving God leaves a path as we go through our day: perhaps a smile, a word of praise or encouragement, an action for the good of a stranger, etc. These are examples of “fruit” when one seeks to do His will. Today we are going to look at the importance of the local church, and why we need to make our attendance, service and growth a priority that is never put on the shelf, never letting it become something to do “next week.” Great discipline and intentionality must be exercised in order to eventually grow where we are hungering and thirsting for the Living God.
Time to Follow
Say Yes!
February 3, 2019 • Jonathan Falwell
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Say Yes