
No Sympathy For The Devil Part 6

Isaiah 14:13-23; Matthew 4:8-10

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Ken Brown • Isaiah 14:13–23, Matthew 4:8–10

What about you? Do you reflect God's glory? Or are you impressed by your own beauty? Pastor Ken, today, notes that Satan took pride in what he thought was his own beauty. However, God is The One who is beautiful, and Lucifer simply reflected that. We, too, can easily get caught up in this same thinking. If we aren't careful, we can confuse God's glory with our own glory. When we do this, we're stealing from God. Let's remember that God’s the only One who deserves praise! He’s so beautiful! 

Assyria, Philistia, Moab Part 3

June 18, 2024 • Pastor Ken Brown • Isaiah 14:24—16:5

There seems to be injustice and corruption pressing from every side these days. Do you long to see God's righteousness and justice come to Earth? What a day that will be! In his message today, Pastor Ken reminds you of God's promise to put Jesus on David's throne to rule justly. God's love demands justice. He wouldn't be loving if He didn't rule rightly. It’s hard to imagine, but one day Jesus will bring justice to His enemies. Never forget that God is still in control, and He will have His way on Earth.

Assyria, Philistia, Moab Part 2

June 17, 2024 • Pastor Ken Brown • Isaiah 14:24—16:5, Isaiah 37:33–38

Who can turn God's hand away from His purposes? Certainly, Pastor Ken's reminder today is great news. God has purposed in His heart to destroy Satan on the hills of Israel one day. It's hard to imagine what an Earth reconciled to God will be like. We're so used to living in a world full of corruption. But God promises to bring His Kingdom fully to the Earth. What a day that will be! We can trust God to do these things. Make a note to not forget that God sees the end from the beginning, and knows what He's doing.

Assyria, Philistia, Moab Part 1

June 14, 2024 • Pastor Ken Brown • Isaiah 14:24—16:5

Does that blow your mind, too? When you think about it, it’s incredible and amazing. Pastor Ken explains it beautifully today when he says that God, who holds ultimate power, is interested in each one of us personally. God can't wait for us to be with Him in Heaven. How awesome is that? And to think that we can access God anytime, anywhere, by simply reaching out to Him in prayer. When we call out to Him, He runs to be with us. Let's not ignore Him but turn to embrace The One Who created us and loves us.