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Welcome the official Bible App of Christian Ministries, Inc., Christian Media, Inc., Christian Missions, Inc., The United States Bible Society, Inc., The Global Bible Societies, Inc. The Global Bible Translators, Inc., The Bible, Inc., The Gospel, Inc., The Church, Inc. & Dave Burnette Ministries, Inc. Check out our websites at: & & & & & & & One Organization with Several Outreaches dedicated to reaching the World with the Word of God in obedience to his calling to fulfill the Great Commission. Included in service to the Lord Christian, Inc. has partnerships in Several Ministries including Megavoice, In Touch, Leading the Way, Billy Graham Evangelistic Society, Campus Crusade for Christ, The Global Bible Society, You Version, Wycliff Translators, and the Seed Company. The United States Bible Society, Inc. is a 501(c)3 register organization and we continue as our faithful friends Pray and Give. Christian Ministries, Inc. 3275 Iris Dr. SE, Conyers Ga. 30013 Call Toll Free (855)5Bibles