Hey Friends!
Today in our lesson Jesus calms a storm! Check out the new fun activities included in this week's video with Ms. Anita and Pastor Sharon. We miss our Preschool Friends. I'm so glad we can have fun here. By the way,
Jesus and his disciples were in a boat crossing a lake. A BIG storm came up. It got very wet. It got very bouncy. The little boat was really bouncing on the waves and the disciples were afraid. Can you show a scared face? Yep. They were scared. Jesus? Where was he? Asleep? ZZZZZZ. How can he be asleep?? Jesus, wake up!
Jesus woke up. He looked around and said to the wind, "Be quiet". He said to the waves, "SHHHHHH!" The wind listened. The waves listened.
The disciples were amazed. WOW! Jesus is powerful. Who is he? Jesus is God. God is Powerful!
(Parents- Bless your children with these words.)
May you be filled with wonder in living your life for God.
God is...
Join us in a worship experience.
Take pieces of triangle shaped paper. Write worship words on each paper. Powerful. Strong. Awesome. Worthy. My Healer. or any other words that tell God who He is.
Put a toothpick through them like a sail and place them in a piece of sponge. Put on quiet praise music. Fill a tub with the water and launch the boats one at a time, telling God, "God, You are Powerful." "You are Wonderful"etc.. Make this a family worship time around a tub or bin of water.
Jesus calms a storm
May 3, 2020 • Pastor Sharon Baldwin
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