The first three chapters of Paul's letter to the Ephesians outlines what the Ephesians should know and believe about Christ and His kingdom come. The final three chapters deal with how to put on and live out the Christ life in an idolatrous and anti-Christ world.
Today's passage is really power-packed with putting on the whole armor of YHWH, which is Christ. Yahweh has nothing else to offer us for empowerment and protection than His Son. Everything we need to overcome and live victoriously as kingdom change agents and manifested sons/daughters in the earth today is in Him. Therefore, let us identify, appropriate, activate and apply all things Christ to the life we choose to live today. It's time to bring our humanity and Christ's divinity together as ONE as true disciples of Christ.
Ephesians 6:10-13
Putting On The Whole Armor of Yahweh
November 7, 2022 • Apostle Todd Murner • Ephesians 6:10–13
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