I'm not sure how we managed to finish our inductive Bible study for the book of Ephesians with the ending of the calendar year, but this is our last verse-by-verse study. I hope this study has been as rewarding for you as it has for me in delving into the relationship that Paul, an apostle of Christ, enjoyed with a group of people to whom he presented the gospel and good news of Yahshua. I thought I knew all about the letter to the Ephesians, being one of my favorites, but coming to a realization that there is so much more as you dig into the deeper meaning of the message Paul was conveying to his dear loved ones in the faith.
Today's passage covers his final farewell but is chocked full of meaningful words that one must understand from a kingdom perspective to derive the full measure and meaning of what the Spirit was saying through Paul. I hope you've enjoyed this study and I would love to hear some feedback. Also, don't worry if you weren't able to dig into these studies week-by-week...they are timeless truths that will be waiting on you when you get the time.