

In the image of God

Fashioned Session Nineteen: Influential

May 17, 2022 • Erin Morris • Ezekiel 16:44–47, Ecclesiastes 12:11, Esther 4:8–16, Esther 5:4–8, Esther 7:2–6

Influence grants us great power that can be used either for good or for evil. How can we use the influence God gives us to spur others on to godliness? How can we gain influence in the lives of those we love so we can encourage them to follow Christ more closely? Join us for session nineteen as we examine how to influence well and how we ought to respond when those we love refuse to be influenced toward righteousness. Verses Used: Ezekiel 16:44-45 & 47 Ecclesiastes 12:11 Esther 4:8, 11 & 16 Esther 5:4-8 Esther 7:2-6 Discussion Questions: 1. Why is considering our influence with others so important? 2. How do we improperly use or sinfully grasp for influence? 3. How do we get influence in a godly way? 4. To what end should we use our God given influence? 5. How should we respond toward those who do not want to be influenced toward godliness?

Fashioned Session Eighteen: Love Your Children

May 10, 2022 • Paula Thorp

The Bible has a high regard for children and we should reflect this same view to all children we encounter whether they are our own or someone else's. We should be actively involved in displaying the love of Christ to children and training them in godliness. Join us for session eighteen as we discover what we are called to and how we can fulfill our roles well. Verses Used: Psalm 127:3-5 Proverbs 27:23 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 2 Corinthians 5:17 Discussion Questions: How does the Biblical view of children differ from that of the world and what value does the Bible place on children? What things are involved in shepherding children well? How are we called to love our children and when you do find it most difficult to be loving? Is there anything that hinders your ability to love well? What is our responsibility in training our children, both in disciplining them and training them up to know the Lord? When we provide discipline, what is our motivation for doing so and what should be our attitude in moments of discipline?

Fashioned Session Seventeen: Love Your Husband

May 3, 2022 • Angela McAlister

Love your husband. It seems a very straightforward command but encompasses so many things. If we are to love our husbands well we must love them sacrificially as Christ loves us. Join us for session seventeen as we study how to demonstrate respect and love for our husbands even in challenging situations. Verses Used: Titus 2:3-5 John 15:12-13 Ephesians 5:22-33 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 Ephesians 5:32 Proverbs 31:10-12 Discussion Questions: 1. How does Biblical love differ from the world’s view of love and what does it mean to love sacrificially like Christ did in John 15:12-13? How can we apply this verse to loving our husbands? 2. In what ways are you a helper to your husband? Do you seek ways to be blessing to him? How so? 3. How do you show respect to your husband? What things do you do that are disrespectful to your husband? 4. Why is intimacy important to marriage? 5. When marriage is hard how and why should we continue to demonstrate love to our husbands?

Fashioned Session Sixteen: Keeper at Home

April 26, 2022 • Mary Ann Olson

A godly woman is called a keeper at home, but what does this phrase actually mean? The Biblical description goes well beyond domestic duties and instead calls us to be watchmen or gatekeepers for our homes. Join us for session sixteen as we discover how to fulfill this role and how to make our homes a refuge for all who enter it. Verses Used: Titus 2:3-5 Psalm 121:3 & 7 1 Corinthians 10:5 Psalm 106:15 Psalm 127:1 2 Corinthians 10:12 Discussion Questions: 1. How does the Bible define a Keeper? 2. What are ways we guard or watch over our homes and why is it important we do so? 3. What does it mean to be a refuge? Would you define your home as a refuge/sanctuary? How can we be more deliberate about creating that environment for all who enter our homes? 4. What other responsibilities do you have as a keeper of your home? Are there any areas you feel convicted to improve? 5. What new insight have you gained in your role as a keeper at home?

Fashioned Session Fifteen: Servants

April 19, 2022 • Paula Thorp

Our culture proclaims we should live for ourselves, do what makes us happy and serve our own interests above all else. These notions stand in direct opposition to what we are called to as believers. In contrast, Jesus calls us to be servant-hearted, placing the needs of others before our own. How can we do this and what is our motivation for doing so? Join us for session fifteen as we discover how to find joy in serving others before ourselves. Verses Used: Romans 12:3 Philippians 2:3-4 Mark 10:45 Philippians 2:6-7 Galatians 6:9 Discussion Questions: 1. Who do we serve? 2. Why do we serve? 3. What does being servant-hearted look like? What does it not look like? 4. How can we be servant-hearted, but not be taken advantage of by others? 5. Is there ever a time not to serve others? 6. What is the ultimate goal of our service to others?

Fashioned Session Fourteen: Strong

April 5, 2022 • Erin Morris

The Bible says the godly woman is clothed with strength. However, we quickly find there are limits to our strength when we are under duress. How does the strength God offers us differ from that of the world? How can we find strength in Christ to persevere through the difficulties we often face and what hope do we have if we do so? Join us for session fourteen as we learn to rely on God to be our sole source of strength. Verses Used: John 19:16-19; 25-27 Psalm 22:11-24 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Psalm 119:25-28 Isa 41:10 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 & 16-18 Discussion Questions: 1. How does godly strength differ from the world’s definition of strength? 2. What do we need strength for? 3. How can we increase our strength when we feel weak? 4. In what circumstances do you most struggle with weakness and what should you do during those times? 5. What hope and/or encouragement do we have even as we endure difficult times?

Fashioned Session Thirteen: Courageous

March 29, 2022 • Paula Thorp

Scripture commands us to be courageous. How can we maintain our courage in the face of fear, and how can we fight the anxiety that sometimes wells up within us. Join us for session thirteen as we discover how the Lord gives us courage to face even the most harrowing circumstances. Verses Used: Joshua 1:9 Exodus 1:15-21 Luke 17:6 1 Corinthians 16:13 Discussion Questions: What does it mean to be courageous? Why do we need courage? What is the opposite of courage? In what areas are you most tempted to be anxious or to fear? How can we fight anxiety and be courageous even in fearful circumstances?

Fashioned Session Twelve: Kind

March 22, 2022 • Angela McAlister

God's loving kindness is spoken of time and time again in Scripture. It is a characteristic we ought to display to the lost and dying world around us that is desperately in need of hope. How does Biblical kindness act and to whom do we owe it? Join us for session twelve as we discuss how we can walk in kindness and extend it even toward those who are ungrateful or seemingly undeserving of it. Verses Used: Luke 6:31 Luke 6:35 1 John 3:17-18 Matthew 6:3-4 Mark 12:31 Philippians 2:3 Discussion Questions: 1. How is Biblical kindness defined? 2. How does Biblical kindness act? 3. What must you lay down to walk in kindness? 4. How can we grow in kindness? 5. Is there anyone you’re tempted to withhold kindness from? Why should you not?

Fashioned Session Eleven: Reverent

March 15, 2022 • Erin Morris

As Christians we are called to be reverent or respectful to those around us because they bear the image of God. We are also called to respect and submit to those in authority over us. What does it look like to show reverence to others and why should we care to do so? Join us for session eleven as we examine the standard we are called to, what it practically means to follow it and how we can display reverence for authority even when it is imperfect or even ungodly. Verses Used: Romans 13:1-2 Psalm 19:14 Hebrews 13:17 1 Peter 3:1-6 Genesis 12:11-20 Genesis 20:1-18 Philippians 4:8 Discussion Questions: 1. What is reverence? What does it look like, how does it act? How does it not act? 2. Who are we called to be reverent toward? 3. Why are we called to be reverent? 4. Does reverence mean we never speak up? If we disagree with someone in authority over us, how and in what tone should we approach that person? 5. How and why should we be reverent even toward those who are undeserving of our respect? 6. What holds you back from showing reverence or submission to those in authority over you?

Fashioned Session Ten: Wise

March 8, 2022 • Ashley Brenan

The Bible states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As we grow in godliness we should also grow in wisdom. Why is wisdom so important and how do we employ it in our actions, words and life decisions? Join us for session ten as study wisdom through the life of Queen Esther. Verses Used: Job 38:36 Job 28:28 James 1:5 James 3:8 Luke 19:30 James 3:17 Esther 9:30 Discussion Questions: 1. What is wisdom? What does it look like, how does it act? How does it not act? 2. Why is gaining wisdom important? 3. What is the benefit to our lives if we have wisdom and what are the dangers if we don't acquire it? 4. How can we gain and grow in wisdom? 5. What does it look like to speak in wisdom? Why should we care to do so?

Fashioned Session Nine: Faithful

March 1, 2022 • Paula Thorp

In a culture bent on quick gains and instant gratification, the steadfast discipline of faithfulness is often overlooked. However, without faithfulness the giftings we have and the resources we have been given will be squandered. Faithfulness requires we continue forward when no one is looking when it's not glamorous and even when the going gets tough. Join us for session nine as we discuss what faithfulness looks like and how to walk in it. Verses Used: 2 Peter 1:5 & 6 1 Corinthians 15:58 Hebrews 10:35-39 Proverbs 3:3 Leader Questions: 1. What is faithfulness? 2. In what things are we called to be faithful? 3. When are the times you feel are most difficult to remain faithful? 4. Is there an area of your life that is faltering because of your lack of faithfulness in it? 5. How can we, in our limited power, be faithful? 6. To what end are we faithful? What is the reward we receive for our faithfulness here on earth?

Fashioned Session Eight: Teachers

February 22, 2022 • Diane Clift

Every single believer is commanded to study Scripture so they can understand it and share it with others. We are called to teach what is right and true. In addition, we must be prepared to stand against what is false. Join us for session eight as we discuss how to teach what is good. Verses Used: Acts 18:1-3 & 24-26 Romans 16:3-5 2 Timothy 2:23-26 Titus 1:9 Psalm 86:11 Deuteronomy 6:5-7 Discussion Questions: 1. What things are we called to teach and in what way, or what tone should we teach? 2. Do you feel confident in your ability to rightly understand and teach the Bible? If the answer is no, how can you diligently apply yourself to studying so you can do so? 3. In addition to teaching what is good and true, what should we also be prepared to refute and why? 4. We should be able to speak things that are true, but we should also live our lives by example. Are you an example worth following? 5. Who are we called to teach? Who are we not called to teach?

Fashioned Session Seven: Useful to the Master

February 15, 2022 • Erin Morris

The Bible says part of why we are created is for good works and it talks about us being useful to the Master. What is the purpose of good works and how can we prepare ourselves to be useful to the Lord? Join us for session seven as we discover the purpose and the blessing of being useful vessels. Verses Used: Acts 9:36-43 Ephesians 2:10 2 Timothy 2:21-22 Luke 17:10 Matthew 5:16 Discussion Questions: 1. Looking at the whole of your life, who would you honestly say is your Master? Who do you serve with your time, energy, money, etc.? 2. What is required of us and our lives if we are to be useful to the Master and what hinders our usefulness? 3. What things in your life could you employ to be useful to the Lord? What giftings, talents, time, energy could you devote to His use? 4. What is the blessing of being useful to the Master? Why should we care about doing this? 5. What is the ultimate purpose or goal of our usefulness?

Fashioned Session Six: Pure

February 8, 2022 • Samantha Marsh

The Bible calls us to a standard of purity that makes us separate from the world. Where does purity begin and how does purity act? Join us for session six as we discuss the importance of having a clean heart that will inevitably work its way out into a clean life. Verses Used: Joshua 2:2-21 Joshua 6:21-25 Matthew 1:5 1 John 1:7-9 Psalm 119:9-11 1 Cor 6:9-11 Discussion Questions: 1. What is purity as defined by Scripture and where does it come from? 2. Do you struggle to fully accept the fact that you are pure and clean because you have been washed by Christ’s blood? 3. If our lives are to be pure, how should we act? What are we called to? 4. How can we keep ourselves “unstained” from the world, but also live in it? 5. In addition to purity of heart, what else are we called to? (Think language, behavior, apparel, attitude, sexual immorality) Which of these is the greatest struggle for you and why?

Fashioned Session Five: Disciples

February 1, 2022 • Paula Thorp

If we aim to be godly women we must ensure that we are true disciples of Christ. We must be willing to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Christ wherever He leads. Join us for session five as we take a close look at what it means to be a disciple through the life of Mary Magdalene. Verses Used: Matthew 27:56 Luke 8:1-3 Luke 9:23 2 Timothy 4:2 Discussion Questions 1. What is a disciple? 2. What does it mean to deny yourself? To take up your cross? To follow Christ? 3. What does a disciple do? Act like? Think about? 4. How can we disciple ourselves? How and why should we disciple others? 5. Are you ashamed of the Gospel? For what reasons would we be ashamed? Are you equipped to share it? If not, how can you get equipped? 6. What excuses do we sometimes offer for not following Christ closely?