
Fashioned Session Six: Pure

February 8, 2022 • Samantha Marsh

The Bible calls us to a standard of purity that makes us separate from the world. Where does purity begin and how does purity act? Join us for session six as we discuss the importance of having a clean heart that will inevitably work its way out into a clean life.

Verses Used:
Joshua 2:2-21
Joshua 6:21-25
Matthew 1:5
1 John 1:7-9
Psalm 119:9-11
1 Cor 6:9-11

Discussion Questions:
1. What is purity as defined by Scripture and where does it come from?
2. Do you struggle to fully accept the fact that you are pure and clean because you have been washed by Christ’s blood?
3. If our lives are to be pure, how should we act? What are we called to?
4. How can we keep ourselves “unstained” from the world, but also live in it?
5. In addition to purity of heart, what else are we called to? (Think language, behavior, apparel, attitude, sexual immorality) Which of these is the greatest struggle for you and why?

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