
Ephesians 5 & 6

Living as imitators of God

Prayer: For Boldness

June 5, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Pray for boldness Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we will wrap up the book of Ephesians and our look at prayer. In Ephesians 6, Paul asks the church at Ephesus to pray on his behalf, specifically that he would be bold for the gospel. What does boldness for the gospel look like? Are we obligated to be bold for the gospel like Paul was? What does that look like in everyday life? Join us today as we dig into God’s Word to answer these questions and more.

Prayer: At all times

June 4, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Pray at all times Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue wrapping up Ephesians as we talk about how prayer guards us against the attacks of the enemy. When should we pray? What does praying at all times really look like? And how can we integrate prayer naturally into everyday life as we model prayer to our kids? Join us to find out!

Prayer: How to pray

June 3, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- How to pray Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we beginning wrapping up Ephesians as we talk about how prayer guards us against the attacks of the enemy. Because prayer is so vital to standing firm as believers, join us as we look at Jesus’ instructions for prayer in Matthew 6.

Armor of God - Sword of the Spirit

June 2, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Armor of God: Sword of the Spirit Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Ephesians 6:17 tells us to take up the sword o the Spirit, which is the Word of God. How can we use the Word of God defensively and offensively as we war against the enemy and seek to gain ground for the kingdom of God? How can we point our children to God’s Word as a foundation for their lives? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Helmet of Salvation

June 1, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Armor of God: Helmet of Salvation Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Nestled in the middle of the shield and sword in Ephesians 6 is the helmet of salvation. How does God intend for us to use the helmet of salvation? How does the promise of salvation keep us focused, motivated, and persistent as warriors in the battle? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Shield of Faith

May 29, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Armor of God: Shield of Faith Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Ephesians 6:16 instructs us to take up the shield of faith. What is faith and how do we strengthen it? How does faith work as a tool that extinguishes the fiery darts of the devil? How can we “live out our faith” for the sake of our kids, our friends, coworkers and neighbors? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

May 28, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word - Armor of God - Gospel of Peace Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Ephesians 6:15 tells us to put on our feet “the preparation of the gospel of peace.” How can we be ready to share the gospel in the everyday moments of our lives? How can we prepare our kids to do the same? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness

May 27, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word - Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Ephesians 6:14 tells us to “put on the breastplate of righteousness.” Is it possible to be righteous? How does this piece of the armor prepare us as soldiers for God’s kingdom? How do we make righteousness (or the right-to-do) a priority for our children, rather than just focusing on what not to do? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Loins of Truth

May 26, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Armor of God: Belt of Truth Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we begin a look at the individual pieces of the armor of God as we near the end of Ephesians. Ephesians 6:14 tells us to “gird our loins with truth.” What is truth and how do we put it on daily? How can we point our kids to the truth and make truth the foundation of our home? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Resist the Devil

May 25, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word - Armor of God - Resist the Devil Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series as we begin a study of the armor of God. Before we learn about each element of the armor, we’re reminded one more time to stand firm and resist the devil. But how is that done practically? What can we learn from Jesus’ example? And how do we implement this process ourselves and as parents? Join us today to find out!

Armor of God - Masked as an angel of Light

May 22, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word -Armor of God - Masked as an angel of light Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series as we begin a study of the armor of God. In this passage, the Lord reminds us that to be able to live as imitators of God who are spirit filled and subject ourselves to one another, we must stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We see that satan is so crafty that he disguises himself as an angel of light. How can things that are “good” distract us as we pursue the Lord? How can we help direct our kids as they pursue “good” things so that they remain focused on Jesus? Join us today as we talk it out!

Armor of God - Schemes of Satan

May 21, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word - Armor of God - Schemes of Satan Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series as we begin a study of the armor of God. In this passage, the Lord reminds us that to be able to live as imitators of God who are spirit filled and subject ourselves to one another, we must stand firm against the schemes of the devil. What are his schemes and how can we as parents teach our children to stand firm alongside of us? Join us today to find out!

Biblical Authority - Ep.3

May 20, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Biblical Authority - Ep.3 Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series, looking at our responsibility as parents to raise the children God has entrusted to us. What does the Bible say about how we should treat those who we have authority over? How do we balance loving others, subjecting ourselves to one another, and positions of power? And what does the Bible say about partiality and how it can hinder our testimony? Join us today to find out!

Biblical Authority - Ep.2

May 19, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Biblical Authority - Ep.2 Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series, looking at our responsibility as parents to raise the children God has entrusted to us. What does the Bible say about how should treat those in authority over us? What are some ways we intentionally or unintentionally communicate our own disregard for authority? How can we rise up as parents to better reflect honor and obey those who are over us? Join us today to find out!

Biblical Authority - Ep.1

May 18, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Biblical Authority - Ep.1 Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue our Ephesians series, looking at our responsibility as parents to raise the children God has entrusted to us. What does the Bible say about how should treat those in authority over us? How does our example impact our children and their attitude to authority, their parents, and even, the Lord? Join us today to find out!