
Armor of God - Schemes of Satan

May 21, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word - Armor of God - Schemes of Satan

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting.

Today we continue our Ephesians series as we begin a study of the armor of God. In this passage, the Lord reminds us that to be able to live as imitators of God who are spirit filled and subject ourselves to one another, we must stand firm against the schemes of the devil. What are his schemes and how can we as parents teach our children to stand firm alongside of us? Join us today to find out!

Prayer: For Boldness

June 5, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Pray for boldness Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we will wrap up the book of Ephesians and our look at prayer. In Ephesians 6, Paul asks the church at Ephesus to pray on his behalf, specifically that he would be bold for the gospel. What does boldness for the gospel look like? Are we obligated to be bold for the gospel like Paul was? What does that look like in everyday life? Join us today as we dig into God’s Word to answer these questions and more.

Prayer: At all times

June 4, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Pray at all times Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we continue wrapping up Ephesians as we talk about how prayer guards us against the attacks of the enemy. When should we pray? What does praying at all times really look like? And how can we integrate prayer naturally into everyday life as we model prayer to our kids? Join us to find out!

Prayer: How to pray

June 3, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- How to pray Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we beginning wrapping up Ephesians as we talk about how prayer guards us against the attacks of the enemy. Because prayer is so vital to standing firm as believers, join us as we look at Jesus’ instructions for prayer in Matthew 6.