
By Jesus

February 3, 2018

Remember that dirt road, the one that looks more like a crater on
the moon than a drivable road? Many of us look at it and realize
we don’t have the tools or the ability to fix it. As we come up to
the road we think, “This is just how it is going to be.”
Many of us make due, thinking, “This is just how it is, who I am,
and all there is.”
Sometimes we accept the ruts because the things harming us are
things we enjoy. The ruts may have even left some scars that are
hard to forget about. We realize that we don’t have the tools to fix
the mess our lives and have become, so we throw in the towel and
resolve that:
“This is just how my life is going to be.”
The world may have ETCHED you and left its mark. Maybe it has
scratched you up so badly that the original person God intended
you to be is unrecognizable or unfathomable at this point in
time. But that does not mean that you are a lost cause. It does not
mean that you are not fixable.
However, it does mean that we need someone specific to fix us,
to forgive us, to free us from our past and the way the world has
ETCHED us. We need someone to tenderly fill in our holes and
resurface us again.
We need our Creator to come find us where we have wandered
off to. We need Him to heal. We need Him to transform the way
we think about our lives, our purpose and our past.
Only then can He remold us into what He created us to be from
the beginning.

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