
The World

February 4, 2018

Many of us get really excited to know that Jesus loved us enough to die
for our sins. We even like taking time out of our lives to thank Jesus for
this gift through worship.

We will sing songs, raise our hands, bow down in reverence, and cry out
in repentance or joy.

But then we find ourselves sitting next to our friends at school, at work,
or on the sports field and immediately we feel embarrassed about all
that we were just grateful to Jesus for, to the point that we often sit
there silent because of shame or embarrassment.

But that is not how it’s supposed to be. We have the only thing that mattersfor all eternity.

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power
of God at work, saving everyone who believes” Romans 1:16

So rather than letting the world ETCH us and who we are outside of
church, camp, or among other believers, we need to begin to be the
ones doing the etching. We need to ETCH our friends, teachers, family
and coworkers with the Good News about Christ so they too can experience salvation for their sins, freedom in Christ, and true joy, just as we have experienced.

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