
God Speaks: Practical ways to hear God speak

July 9, 2019

• DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9 & 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 |
• READ | (Your Bible, Christian living books, blogs)
• WRITE | Write them down and talk about them
• VERSES | Write down verses that God has spoke to you though
• Journal
• Phone background
• Instagram
• Sticky Notes on your mirror, car etc…
• QUESTIONS | Write down questions you have about the Bible while reading, praying or doing life
• LEARNING | What God spoke to you, so that you can remember when your face temptation!
• TALK | Talk with other believers who you know will provide you with Biblically sound advice
• PSALM 119:11 | your word have i hid in my heart
• MATTHEW 6 | Jesus teaches how to pray
• PRAY | Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield
• PSALM 1 | Meditate on the Word of God
• MEDITATE OR THINK | On what God is teaching you
• ACTS 2:42 | Devoted to the Apostles teachings
• LISTEN | Messages about the Word of God from trusted men and women of God
• COMMUNITY | Talk with other believers part of that community about what God is teaching you

• JAMES 1:22-25 | If you say that you want God to speak to you, If you say you want God to use you, take
these practical steps and DO THEM!

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