

Kings and Kingdoms

December 6, 2023 • Cameron Hatfield • Luke 1:26–56, Matthew 1:18–24, Proverbs 3:5–6

God created us to have a relationship with Him and to bring Him glory, but God also created us to have purpose which means He graciously partners with us to carry out His plan as we submit to His will. As God carried out His plan of redemption, He used various people throughout time that had a heart that was postured towards Him. He also used people throughout time that did not belong to Him which tells us that regardless of our submission, God will carry out His plan. We have learned that God used men like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and now as we approach the birth of our Savior we see He used both Mary and Joesph in such a mighty way too. They both submitted (trusted) to God out of their love for Him and as a result they were used to bring about the Messiah and raise Him, but what if they said no? God still has a plan today and it involves you just like it involved Mary and Joseph. Imagine the impact you could have in partnering with God to build His Kingdom, if only you submitted. Knowing that God is in control will you submit to His plan for your life?