
The Kings Love

Kings and Kingdoms

January 31, 2024 • Brenan Hudgens • John 21, John 17:3, John 15:12–17

During the trial of Jesus we all remember Peter’s threefold denial of being a follower of Him and how Peter went out weeping bitterly over his public rejection. Putting ourselves in the shoes of Peter we can certainly sympathize with his feelings of shame and regret as we have also been faced with the same questions Peter was faced with… Are you a follower of Jesus? 

As we fast forward to the 21st chapter of John we see the disciples back in their home town fishing when the resurrected Jesus appears to them a third time. Although Peter has seen the risen Jesus, it is likely Peter has not yet come to terms with his denial of Him. Jesus sits down with Peter to ask him a series of questions and commands to draw out his love for Him. He does this because if Peter is going to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and be obedient to the mission He is giving to Him it would have to be motivated out of love and not obligation. Jesus gives Peter the assurance of forgiveness and that His love towards His followers is not contingent on our shortcomings. Jesus extends forgiveness and mercy to everyone who places their faith in Him as their Savior and we can be sure of this truth, that nothing can separate us from His love.