
Kids- Foretold & Fulfilled- Proclamations

December 20, 2020 • Kristy Motte & Ashley Law

This week we look at many special revelations that are given to different people about who the “Messiah” will be.

Teen Talk: Foretold & Fulfilled - Proclamations

December 23, 2020 • Michael Fitzgerald

This week we look at many special revelations that are given to different people about who the “Messiah” will be. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Why are these proclamations so important? How do their fulfillment strengthen your faith that Jesus is the true Messiah? 2.Each of these proclamations become reasons each of these people believe in Jesus as the Messiah. How/why do you think these people’s lives were changed because God involved them in these proclamations? What are some reasons you believe in Jesus as the Messiah? What are some doubts you have? 3. With each proclamation, an action immediately followed. Jesus has been proclaimed to you as Messiah—Promised deliverer—what actions do you need to do in response this Christmas season? What scriptures do you need to live out?

C&TW- Foretold & Fulfilled- Proclamations

December 20, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

This week we look at many special revelations that are given to different people about who the “Messiah” will be.

Kids: Foretold & Fulfilled - Moments That Matter

December 13, 2020 • Kristy Motte & Ashley Law

This week we will focus on MOMENTS THAT MATTER or the circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus that fulfilled Old Testament foretellings about the Promised Savior. Continue investigating Scripture with us as we see how prophesy after prophesy came true with the arrival of Jesus.