
Rest and Recover

Breakout One & Three

September 23, 2023 • Ashley Law

In a culture that seems to glorify being busy, it can seem like a sign of weakness to admit that you need to take a break. Shouldn’t we just power through, say yes to everything, and rest when we’re dead? God didn’t design us for a life that is so jam packed that we don’t have space to rest. In fact, He commands us to rest. He has ordained it for a purpose. It enables us to be renewed and refreshed so that we can run our race most effectively.

Train the Home Team - Big Kids

September 23, 2023 • Tracey Wagner

Though the goal of parenting remains the same, the manner in which we parent our children evolves as they age. We don’t have the same control over an eighteen year old that we did when they were two years old. How can we continue to invest in our children as they grow into the young men and women God has called them to be? How does our role change, and what should we prioritize as parents? Though your children are not babies  anymore, they desperately need your love, care, and even your correction at times. As parents, we must continue to maintain relationship with our children as we encourage them to walk with the Lord.

Train the Home Team - Little Kids

September 23, 2023 • Tracey Wagner

It is an awesome and (sometimes terrifying!) responsibility to be entrusted with children. How do we train them up in the Lord when they are young? What should be the goal of parenting? The Bible encourages us to walk closely with our children and to teach them the things of the Lord. Even when they are young, children have an incredible capacity to learn and understand Biblical truths. Commit to love them well and plant seeds in your young children that will bear fruit as they age.

Study the Playbook

September 23, 2023 • Diane Clift

We are constantly being inundated with messages through entertainment, social media, the news, influencers, and even everyday social settings. We quickly become flooded with mixed messages that begin to inform how we think. Instead of truth being a fixed absolute and immovable foundation, our culture views truth as a shifting concept that ought to bend and adjust depending on the situation. We commonly hear, “my truth,” and “your truth,” as though truth is up for grabs. The Bible, however, teaches that truth is knowable and dependable. We must cling tightly to it so we are not carried away by doctrinal fads or an ever changing culture.