
Preparing A Dwelling Place

Chad Everett - Lead Pastor

Preparing A Dwelling Place Pt 19

April 10, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Hebrews 6:13–15, Hebrews 10:19–39, Ephesians 2:19–22, Hebrews 6:9–12

We don't like the word patience. Most of us don't like to wait for anything. In our culture, we can barely wait for 14 minutes let alone 14 hours for something. But God says to imitate those that inherited the promises through faith and patience. God is faithful - so hold fast, endure, stick with it, without wavering, even when we go through some suffering - patiently endure, and our possessions in heaven can't be taken away from us. We must increase our capacity to hold up under difficult circumstances and endure.

Preparing A Dwelling Place Pt 18

April 3, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Philippians 3:7–8, 2 Corinthians 6:14–18, Ephesians 5:8–11, Ephesians 4:20–24, Matthew 12:43–45

True biblical consecration is about being dedicated unto something better or more valuable, which results in being set apart from something less valuable. Once we rank value in our life, our time, energy and resources start to be distributed along the lines of what we value. Consecrating is evacuating things in our life that comes out of embracing a relationship with Jesus, because when we are in a relationship with Jesus, there are things that we no longer need. Church, even if we are hated for it, we cannot be afraid of being consecrated unto Him, leaving the values of the world behind. When we choose Him, we will walk away from the world's values, we will put on the new man, as we work out the faith and non-faith in our own lives, and live according to scripture - not culture, out of our relationship with Jesus.

Preparing A Dwelling Place Part 17

March 27, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Acts 1:4–5, Acts 19:1–7, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Chronicles 5:11–14, 2 Chronicles 7:1–3

Being filled with God's glory went from fire coming down from heaven and filling a room in the Old Testament, to fire coming down from heaven and filling individuals in the New Testament. The glory of God in us, is for today, giving us power and authority over all demons, to cure diseases, to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. God wants to fill some individual containers, and as He fills each one, we won't stay the same, because things that used to be able to get in, can no longer get in, and impurities that were already in, can't stay - there's no room. His presence starts pushing out what isn't allowed anymore. We just keep pouring out, and He'll keep filling us up.

Preparing A Dwelling Place Pt 16

March 20, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:43, Mark 5:25–30, Acts 1:4–8, Mark 5:31–34

What if there is something that could still be done to engage what God wants in our lives, but we just don't know about it yet? Just because we do all we know to do, doesn't mean it's all there is to do. Even when we see the right things in the Bible, believe the right things in the Bible, the process, the walk to engage what we see and believe is hard. We have to cut through the excuses, the obstacles, the opposition, opinions, doubts, fears, religion, intimidation to get to the hem of Jesus' garment. Engaging and encountering God is going to require us to press through, and fight the good fight, until Jesus returns. We don't stop. We keep comin'.

Preparing A Dwelling Place

March 13, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • John 1:1–3, Proverbs 4:20–22, Exodus 29:42–46, John 10:9–10, John 3:3–6

It's time to reengage! Whatever you're needing today, go through the word of God and engage it. God has plans and purpose for our lives spoken in the Word and it is the will of God. It is the driving gear. It moves everything in our lives. All of what God has for our lives, does not impact your life, until you get close and engage and connect with Him by faith, and that's when our lives move in the same direction as His will and Word. We must not disengage with His Word. We must not reject God's method, because it doesn't meet our approval. The enemy will keep talking, trying to get us to disengage. Don't! Fulfill the Word of God for your Life!

Preparing A Dwelling Place Part 14

March 6, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • John 1:1–3, Proverbs 4:20–22, Exodus 29:38–46, John 10:7–10, John 3:3–6

There are 5 Phases of Preparing a Personal Dwelling Place with God. If we are going to experience the presence of God and walk in the things of God, the first thing we have to do is go through the "right" door. We have to #1 ENTER it. Jesus is the door! There's no getting around Him. He is the doorway into life. There is no life outside of Him, only existing, and without being born again, we can't even see His kingdom, how it is governed - how he "rolls." The goal of God, is to speak with us, and once we go through the door - JESUS, the WORD, with your BIBLE open, He will #2 ENGAGE us in conversation about all the mighty things He has to say. They are LIFE. Engage in what He says. The voices we focus on, are the voices that will influence us the most. HIs WORD is LIFE. He has mighty things He wants to bring us up higher to engage with Him about. Choose JESUS. He is the "right" door, then go through Him, and Engage Him!

Preparing A Dwelling Place Part 13

February 27, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:38–46, Proverbs 22:6, John 14:6, Matthew 7:14

"This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations." It goes from something "I shall do," to something "bigger than me." It's a Roads Church core value - "We are Building His Kingdom - It's Bigger Than Us!" Passing down to our children a relationship with our our heavenly Father, His son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit is the goal. We never stop, but we are to be consistent, and pass it on, pointing towards giving it to the generations that come after us. We reach the "nations" by going through the generations. The goals is not to reach the nations at the expense of the generations. Reaching the "nations" starts with reaching those in our own homes. Training our children in "The Way" they should go is about developing behavior by instruction and practice, pointing back to the Bible as the basis for our truth. Don't ever apologize for teaching a way that is narrow and difficult - it is the way of Jesus.

Preparing a Dwelling Place Part 12

February 13, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Hebrews 6:11–12, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Hebrews 10:35–39, Psalm 92:13–14, Colossians 3:23–24

Being consistent is one of the most important things in our Christian life. Jesus is coming back to to settle accounts with us, for His return on His investment. Our relational, continual connection with Jesus allow us to be consistent. We must be: 1) STEADFAST, establishing a position in Jesus and His Word. 2) IMMOVABLE, holding your position you've established in Jesus, in the midst of adversity or opposition, and living by faith, not drawing back for fear or difficult circumstances. 3) ABOUNDING, flourishing in your position. It's through your position in Jesus that allows you to do more than what is expected in every situation, even in the midst of adversity. We can't do any of it on our own, it's through our connection with Jesus, and being planted in His house.

Preparing a Dwelling Place Pt 11

February 6, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • James 5:8, Colossians 2:6–7, 1 Corinthians 15:58

Jesus needs to be our STEADFAST connection, our source that we establish our position in. He is the one that is sitting on the throne that one day we will be face-to-face with and answer to. His word stands forever, and our position needs to come from the heart of Jesus. Everyone will be held accountable by the same thing - His Word. So then, we are to be ROOTED in Jesus, BUILT UP continually, as we keep building upon and growing, ESTABLISHED in the FAITH by the increasing of our inner strength in both character and attitude. James 5:8 says, "Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand." It's time to establish your heart. It's time to connect with Jesus.

Preparing a Dwelling Place Part 10

January 30, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:38, 1 Corinthians 15:57–58, 2 Peter 1:2–4

Through God's Word and His precious promises found in His Word, we will become partakers of His "divine nature," His character. God has given us everything for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him. Our relationship with God is not about getting something from Him, it's about being a partaker of His nature, and becoming something with Him. Don't be satisfied being an observer, and watching from the sidelines.

Preparing a Dwelling Place Part 9

January 23, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:38

Three things are required to prepare ourselves as a dwelling place - Offering, Sacrifice and CONSISTENCY. Day by day, continually we offer our lives to Jesus. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday . . . not just on Sundays at church, we have to commit our hearts to only do what honors Him, constantly, regularly, perpetually, never stopping. We keep coming, and we don't back down! Being a long-term, successful follower of Jesus, requires consistency. No one can choose it for you, you must choose for yourself every day. It can be our biggest challenge, giving our life to Jesus and staying in love with Him. It's through a relationship and connection with Him that is the means by which we are victorious in every area of our life, valuing the connection and relationship itself, and not valuing what comes out of or from the relationship. The moment what is given takes priority over the giver, we open ourselves up to deception. Are you ready to offer all of your heart in worship to Jesus? Are you willing to lay your life down as a sacrifice and live only for Him? Have I been using Jesus as a means to the end, instead of the end Himself?

Preparing a Dwelling Placet Pt 8

January 16, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Philippians 3:10–11, Matthew 16:24–25, Matthew 20:20–23

In order to answer the question, "How do you know if you're a follower of Jesus?" We must ask the question, "Who is determining my direction and route of movement?" If you're making decisions without prayer and seeking the face of God, then it's you. BUT, if you want to go after Jesus, and let Him be your direction and determine your route of movement, to be your leader, He invites us to take up our cross, lay everything of our own down to do whatever it takes to follow Him. This isn't a question of salvation, it's a question of if you are following Jesus, knowing Him, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. As Paul says through it all, "even if I die, I will attain the resurrection of the dead."

Preparing a Dwelling Place Part 7

January 9, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:38–46

Preparing a Dwelling Place requires an OFFERING and a SACRIFICE. Biblical Christianity consists of OFFERING something to God in worship, giving willingly not begrudgingly something we have. It's our worship UNTO Him. The number one thing we can give Him is our heart, and then everything else will come with it. God's always ready to make us overflow. He's just waiting on us to give. The altar is a place of death or SACRIFICE. Our offering of our lives to God will involve death of some kind. We are to live holy and acceptable to God. To live holy, we focus on what is acceptable to God. When we are willing to lose our lives for the sake of Jesus, we will find our life. It's His dreams in us and Him living through us that brings life to us. Christianity's symbol is the cross. We die, and He lives through us. We will not have resurrection power or glory in our lives if we aren't willing to die.

Preparing A Dwelling Place Part 5

December 26, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Genesis 3, Exodus 19, Exodus 20:18–21

In Exodus 20, when the intense presence of God came, and the people saw it, they trembled and backed away, and stood a far off where they were more comfortable. They told Moses that they wanted him to talk to God, and then Moses could tell them what God said. Encountering God's presence can be uncomfortable. When He shows up things move and shake. But, are we people who stand a far off, or draw near to Him? Are we hungry for Him, or hungry for lunch? The Bible says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." God's desire has always been from the beginning to dwell with us. His Presence is everything.

Preparing A Dwelling Place Part 4

December 19, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Genesis 3, Luke 1

There is no "good person," "church-going" category of people in the end. There are only two categories - in Love with Jesus or Not! When a person is pregnant in the natural, everything is changed to accommodate for the one they are pregnant with. They are careful, mindful and protective of what is more valuable on the inside of them than their own preferences and desires - the things they eat, drink and participate in. Mary said, "Let it be to me according to your word." And it cost her. Carrying the presence of God, Him living in us should affect and change us. It should and will cost us - how we live our lives, our reputation, our friends and family. Are you willing to let God live on the inside of you? At any cost?