Preparing a Dwelling Place requires an OFFERING and a SACRIFICE. Biblical Christianity consists of OFFERING something to God in worship, giving willingly not begrudgingly something we have. It's our worship UNTO Him. The number one thing we can give Him is our heart, and then everything else will come with it. God's always ready to make us overflow. He's just waiting on us to give.
The altar is a place of death or SACRIFICE. Our offering of our lives to God will involve death of some kind. We are to live holy and acceptable to God. To live holy, we focus on what is acceptable to God. When we are willing to lose our lives for the sake of Jesus, we will find our life. It's His dreams in us and Him living through us that brings life to us. Christianity's symbol is the cross. We die, and He lives through us. We will not have resurrection power or glory in our lives if we aren't willing to die.
Preparing a Dwelling Place Part 7
Offering & Sacrifice
January 9, 2022 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Exodus 29:38–46
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Preparing A Dwelling Place