Meeting With God

God's Ways Are The Way of Life

June 18, 2023 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • John 14:6, Exodus 33:13, Psalm 25:4–5, Exodus 33:1–12, Matthew 7:21–23

‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’

What if being known by God was all that mattered?

In the end, it's all that will matter.

God loves everyone the same. God does not have the same relationship with everyone.

Not everyone who says, "Lord, Lord!" has made God Lord, and are living and walking in His Way. Jesus is the Way. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

When I'm not walking His Way, I'm walking in darkness, and will experience unnecessary pain.

Does God know you?

Are you on the way of the wicked or the way of the righteous?

God's Ways are the Way of Life.