

June 9, 2024 • James Petitfils • Genesis 1

What is really, really, real (ultimate reality)? Is there a Creator and, if so, what is that Creator like? What is that Creator into? Why did the Creator create? Who are you? Why are you? Where are you? Why does any of it matter? Questions like these have been asked and answered by humans for tens of thousands of years with almost every generation asking them afresh. This Sunday we are going to ponder a strange and fascinating inspired literary masterpiece from the ancient world—Genesis 1. As we continue our summer series seeking to wrap our hearts and minds around the big narrative of the Bible, we will begin our journey at the most fitting starting point—the beginning. Join us as we resituate Genesis 1 into its native ancient-near-eastern habitat and consider its main messages for God’s people through the ages.

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