
The New Community of the Spirit

August 25, 2024 • Taylor Jones • Ephesians 4:1–16

We live in the loneliest time and place on record--that was the conclusion of a study conducted a few years ago. The percentage of Americans who report feelings of loneliness is the highest on record and the number of those who report zero close personal confidants has tripled since the 1980s. Even many of those of us who are relationally connected live busier and more spread out lives than ever before. As we near the end of our series learning to see the big story of Scripture, this all begs a question: What does the redemptive story of Jesus have to do with the relational climate of a place like the South Bay in 2024? Join us as we continue our series, You Are Here, by learning from Ephesians 4:1-16 at how the finished work of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit produce not just saved individuals, but a saved people who are becoming what we have been called to be together. 

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