Often, one of the biggest chasms in the life of a modern follower of Jesus is the great canyon between Sunday and Monday. Sunday, you gather with your brothers and sisters in Christ, do Christian things like sing worship songs, pray, or hear from scripture, and maybe you go home with a little more spiritual fuel in your tank and some inspiration to listen to the Holy Spirit more attentively in the week to come. Then comes Monday. Work or school, errands and emails, homework and housework. Our default setting can sometimes be to see the school/work week as something through which we hold our breath, try to not sin so much, and squeeze in those “Christian” moments like a bible study or an on-the-way-to-work sermon podcast. What if, however, that all-too-familiar workweek is actually sacred time? What if being a “Christian” at work is not so much about putting a cross up at your desk or hosting that lunch-hour bible study with your Christian colleagues? What if representing Jesus at work has everything to do with the actual work you are doing? Join us as we take flight in a new series exploring the relationship between work and faith. This week, let’s begin to consider how we might bridge the gaping Sunday-Monday gap!
The Sacred Art of Work
April 7, 2024 • James Petitfils • 1 Thessalonians 4:9–12, Ephesians 4:22–28
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Work and Faith