
Restoring the Garden Through the Well at the Table - A Biblical View of Work

April 21, 2024 • Todd Wendorff • John 4, Matthew 9, Genesis 1, Genesis 2

Here’s an interesting question. So what’s the difference between the Christ follower and the non Christ follower as it relates to our work? Is there such a difference as a Christian baker, a non Christian lawyer, a Christian plumber, and a non Christian surgeon? I hope not. Especially when it comes to law and medicine. John Wesley said, do good, and do no harm along the way. Maybe the one mark that someone is a Christ follower? Martin Luther believed that God’s loving care comes to us largely through the labor of others. Work in other words is a major instrument of God’s providence. Someone tried to make his own sandwich, literally. It took him six months and $1,500. Think about the implications of that. In creation, we were given the honor to perfect what God has made. For what ends? That’s what I want to look at.