I've been pondering two words that keep coming up in my conversations and reading: Contingency and Agency. They are two words that we can hold in tension for a healthy, thriving life. When out of balance, they can lead to hardship, even tragedy.
Contingency partially means that our life is dependent on certain circumstances and behavior, and ultimately on God. We are not in complete control of our lives, but there are some universal laws, that if followed, will more likely lead to thriving.
Agency is often used to describe our ability to control our capacity to influence our life choices and direction.
We as humans, are both contingent and have agency. This tension is central to the story of Israel as a people of Image-Bearers who represent God for the good of the world. The same is true for you and for me. Let's consider what we are calling “Exile and Return.” Israel repeatedly chose stubborn agency over humble contingency. There were consequences, but not without hope. Our hope ultimately finds it home in Jesus.