
John: Purpose and Pain

March 19, 2023 • Austin Johnson • John 9

Your pain is not without purpose. Your experience is part of something bigger than yourself. This is one of the great mysteries and tension points of God’s story. Isn’t life supposed to get better when I follow Jesus? It depends on what you mean by get better and by whose standard?

John: A Restorative King

May 7, 2023 • Brad Hobbs • John 21:15–24

As we finish up our series in John, we learn about the grace and redemption that is offered through Christ. Receiving Jesus' gift of grace is not living in the shame of the past, but looking at our present and future hope!

John: The Intercessor

April 30, 2023 • Austin Johnson • John 17

If you knew Jesus was praying for you, how would it change how you lived your life? Not just your friends, family, or spouse praying for you, but if you knew Jesus was praying and interceding for you, what would change?

John: Abiding

April 23, 2023 • Marty Esparza • John 15:1–16, John 16:16–33

Continuing in our series through the book of John, we take time to learn what it means to abide in Christ.