
2A For Today

Red Flag Laws in SC? Guns Taken in SWAT Raid, Unconvicted

June 21, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Tear Gassed, SWAT Raided, & Guns Confiscated over an Alleged Misdemeanor Harassment Charge Today on 2A For Today, we interview Brian Verburg and his son Cole. This story is part of a larger documentary involving the weaponization of government, the evolution of the Domestic Violence courts, and the what happens to Americans who get trapped in a system that is biased against them. Brian was charged with harassment in the second degree and when the officers came to make the arrest they came with the SWAT team, battering rams, and tear gas. This is part 1 of a series on the Verburg family crisis and how a father has been abused by a system designed to protect the vulnerable. Stay tuned for the whole story.

The Pistol Brace Rule Is Shot Down & Car Jacker Shoulda Gotta Lyft Instead Gets Jacked Up

Zoe Warren

The pistol brace rule has been shot down! This is a really bad arrangement for government action: tyrants write a rule and start enforcing it then citizens have to hire high power lawyers to stop the enforcement of policies that have the force of law, but are not laws created by the legislators that are supposed to enact the laws. And, our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Lufkin, Texas where a man had to stop a carjacker who was trying to drive off with the man’s wife and 4 month old daughter. At the end of the day, there is only one testimony that matters: the testimony of the one who survives.

YouTube's Communist Standards Increasing, Naked MMA Fighter Gets a New Piercing

Zoe Warren

YouTube's Communist Standards Increasing, Trump Loses Gun Rights, & Naked MMA Fighter Gets a New Piercing YouTube should totally change the name of its brand to OurTube- it would better describe the experience of users being crippled by its nanny state “community standards” which are ever more restrictive. Thanks to Alvin Bragg, Youtube is banning more gun related content. Surprise. New York’s gun rights tyranny doesn’t stop there. It looks like President Donald Trump will lose his ability to defend himself from criminals through the bearing of arms in New York over non violent felonies. Hey, maybe this is a good time for some common sense gun laws. It doesn’t make any sense to infringe upon the gun rights of people who have committed non violent felonies. If he didn’t agree before, I am certain that Trump will agree with us now. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman Spotlight is on Orange County California where a rideshare driver leapt into action to defend his neighbor. When he pulled up to find a naked man engaged in a full on MMA match with a middle aged woman, he fired a warning shot. What happens next? You’re watching 2A For Today! My name is Zoe.

Republicans Go CRA on the ATF's CRAZY Lawfare & Unwelcome Guest Gets Blasted

Zoe Warren

House and Senate Republicans have offered up a Congressional Review Act resolution condemning the Biden Admin for its many faceted attacks on gun owners and the gun industry and they are using a strategy with some power to overturn the Biden ATF’s flagrant misuse of power. Just like in any relationship it is good to reaffirm your love every once in a while. SO, from gun owners across the country. Thanks honey. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Vermillion, SD where a man unlawfully and forcefully entered” a home. I guess he took the welcome mat a little too seriously, because he was absolutely unwelcome and that should have been clear by the restraining order that he was violating by even being 500 ft from the home. Now, he is having a permanent out of body experience. Perhaps the restraining order was issued to protect him from himself. Thank you for watching 2A For Today! This is Zoe!

It's Time to Cut the FAT - Defund & Disband the ATF

Zoe Warren

Today we are going to play a few highlights from the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on oversight of the BATFE where the Director of the ATF Steven Dettlebach tried to gaslight Congress. He constantly asserted that the ATF follows the law, but our lie detector test (the facts) determined that to be a lie. Welcome to 2A For Today! My name is Zoe!

Republicans Take on the NFA!, Maryland Gets MOORE Gun Control, Undocumented Foreign Nationals Attack

Zoe Warren

The lower taxes, less federal spending, limited government wing of the Republican party is finally starting to make some noise! Senator Tom Cotton and a host of Senate Republicans have introduced the RIFLE Act. IS it a step in the right direction? Do you know what they call doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? Yeah, well apply that to gun control laws. The Governor of Maryland, however, is proud of the insanity. Will adding more gun control laws to a state with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country fix what ails Baltimore? Not likely. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight San Antonio, Texas where a couple of undocumented immigrants crossed the line and not just the border. When a man wanted a little peace and quiet he got attacked. Fortunately, our hero took Joe Biden seriously. You're watching 2A For Today. My name is Zoe.

Amazon Driver Drops Young Thug. Colorado Dems Fight Against Semi Auto Gun Ban, Pistol Brace Court Up

May 10, 2024 • Zoe Warren

House Democrats in Colorado have been on a gun control free for all, treading down the God given rights of Coloradans. However, the Colorado House Dems have jumped the shark and passed a semi-automatic gun ban, so now they are facing opposition from a coalition of Colorado Senate Republicans and Democrats slowing their gun grab extravaganza. I have said this before, but it bears repeating, the ATF is nothing more than a lawless political arm of the security state and the gun control lobby. They create rules to bankrupt free Americans who deign to live freely and within their God given rights to buy, sell, keep, and bear arms. The pistol brace rule is a prime example. We are going to give a brief update on the court battle. And Special Delivery, our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Cleveland Ohio where an Amazon delivery driver dropped a couple of young thugs and put an end to their crime spree. He packaged them up for delivery to the authorities. It's nice when companies take care of the shipping and handling. Especially when its some excellent gun handling.

The Kenosha Kid Clashes at Clemson, Ken Paxton Takes on Biden's ATF, and Military Vet Clears Perps f

Zoe Warren

Self Defense Is Bull… POOP Emoji. In a video that was posted to Facebook by Palmetto Gun Rights, a left wing Karen MELTS DOWN over Kyle Rittenhouse speaking at Clemson university. Also, a multistate coalition led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Biden’s ATF for a rule change that will criminalize you and me for privately buying and selling firearms. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on San Antonio, Texas where a 36 year old military veteran and purple heart recipient was alerted by his home security system. He found himself face to face with a perp running towards his open front door at 3 o'clock in the morning. When the smoke cleared, the predator had become the prey. Welcome to 2A For Today, my name is Zoe!

The Second Amendment is Dead in NY & A Violent, Angry Man Gets Lobotomized in Florida

April 26, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Maine Goes Full Rahm Emanuel | Banning High Capacity Mags Bans | Bound & Gagged Octogenarian Survive

April 19, 2024 • Zoe Warren

They never let a crisis go to waste. They are waiting in the wings for any real, or perceived opportunity to advance their agendas. The Maine legislature pulled an all nighter to strip Mainers of their God given right to defend themselves through the keeping and bearing of arms. The NSSF has a new study that may put an end to the constant chatter of gun grabbers who ever seek to denigrate and ban high capacity magazines. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiawoman spotlight is on an 85 year old champion. It is now, or never she said. She was brutally assaulted and handcuffed by a home intruder and because she was armed she lived to tell the tale. Your watching 2A For Today. My name is Zoe.

David Hogg Gets WREKT, Mass Shooter's Parents Become Scarecrows, and a Booty Call Ends in Bullets

April 12, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Lets get ready to Rumble! Rumble and ramble they did! The Spike Cohen and David Hogg debate went as you would expect, but ended with an unexpected and highly disrespected winner! The gun control commissars have a new path to curb mass shootings: judicial tyranny. I guess that's really the old path if we’re being fair. A Michigan court turns parents of a mass shooter into a gun control scarecrow and scapegoat to help them hide the failure of the public schools, law enforcement, and the pharmaceutical industry- yet again. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiawoman spotlight is focused on Pennsylvania where a woman and her boyfriend had an unscheduled, late night rendezvous with men posing as police officers. The faux federales were looking for love in all the wrong places, so a booty call ended in bullets. My name is Zoe and you’re watching 2A For Today!

April Fools! Aloha State Legislators Attempt Ammo Ban & Pipe Wielding Burglar Gets Blasted

April 5, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Democrats in the Hawaii State House continue to wage war on the rights of the free people of the Aloha state. They are on the march to ban the sale of ammunition to anyone under 21. Its totally unironic that the hypocrites in blue lobby for giving 16 year olds the right to vote, but actively want to strip 18 to 20 year olds of the ability to express their right to be secure. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is focused on Bay City Michigan where our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman left a pipe wielding home invader with multiple gunshot wounds. The thief came to steal, but our hero gave him a free gift: a trip to the emergency room. Welcome to 2A For Today. My name is Zoe.

2A For Today | RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE - The Biden DOJ Is Growing the American Stasi

March 29, 2024 • Zoe Warren

It's really easy to spot Communism. You just look for all the red flags. Democrats and their loyal opposition are advancing an Orwellian gun confiscation scheme and they are making every American pay for it. They are beefing up the security state and expanding the American Stasi (their massive network of informants) by providing a National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center to teach not just law enforcement, but even community organizations how to implement red flag laws. Joining us on today's show is Mark Oliva, Managing Director of Public Affairs from the National Shooting Sports Foundation to discuss Red Flag Laws, the ERPO Resource Centers, and some of the other tactics and threats that our gun rights opponents are using to pervert justice and reduce liberty.

Battle Ground, Washington! & Hangry Road Ragers Eat Lead

March 15, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Battleground, Washington State! The lawfare is raging in the Pacific Northwest as Bob Ferguson, Washington state’s AG tries to withstand gun rights advocates who are fighting for their right to buy and sell semi automatic rifles and high capacity magazines. Bob has been successful in maintaining the state sanctioned tyranny of Washington legislators whose mission is to curb gun violence by attacking the rights of free people and poisoning the very root of liberty in the Evergreen State. AND our 2A For Today Modern Militiawoman spotlight is on a Michiganian woman who was the victim of a road rage beat down. Her abusers let their emotions lead them into a confrontation of which they were ill equipped to participate. Welcome to 2A For Today, my name is Zoe! The New American, 2A for Today, Washington State, Bob Ferguson, Zoe Warren

Promises Made Promises Kept! Louisiana and SC Pass "Color of Law Carry!"

March 8, 2024 • Zoe Warren

First in the South Primaries, but last to secure the rights of the people, South Carolina becomes the 29th state and the last Republican Trifecta to pass Permitless Carry. We’re still in debate as to whether either of these bills reach the honor of truly being “Constitutional” Carry. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is an older story, but one that the fact suppressors likely didn’t really want us to know. The best time to have an “assault weapon” is when you are being assaulted. A Florida homeowner must have seen the writing on the wall, because he learned to use a Kalashnikov, or at least one that looks like one. When a mob of Dindu Nuffins force their way into your home it is a good time to have a semi-auto rifle with a high capacity magazine ready to operate. My name is Zoe Warren. Welcome to 2A For Today!