
Maine Goes Full Rahm Emanuel | Banning High Capacity Mags Bans | Bound & Gagged Octogenarian Survive

April 19, 2024 • Zoe Warren

They never let a crisis go to waste. They are waiting in the wings for any real, or perceived opportunity to advance their agendas. The Maine legislature pulled an all nighter to strip Mainers of their God given right to defend themselves through the keeping and bearing of arms.

The NSSF has a new study that may put an end to the constant chatter of gun grabbers who ever seek to denigrate and ban high capacity magazines.

And our 2A For Today Modern Militiawoman spotlight is on an 85 year old champion. It is now, or never she said. She was brutally assaulted and handcuffed by a home intruder and because she was armed she lived to tell the tale.

Your watching 2A For Today. My name is Zoe.

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Red Flag Laws in SC? Guns Taken in SWAT Raid, Unconvicted

June 21, 2024 • Zoe Warren

Tear Gassed, SWAT Raided, & Guns Confiscated over an Alleged Misdemeanor Harassment Charge Today on 2A For Today, we interview Brian Verburg and his son Cole. This story is part of a larger documentary involving the weaponization of government, the evolution of the Domestic Violence courts, and the what happens to Americans who get trapped in a system that is biased against them. Brian was charged with harassment in the second degree and when the officers came to make the arrest they came with the SWAT team, battering rams, and tear gas. This is part 1 of a series on the Verburg family crisis and how a father has been abused by a system designed to protect the vulnerable. Stay tuned for the whole story.

The Pistol Brace Rule Is Shot Down & Car Jacker Shoulda Gotta Lyft Instead Gets Jacked Up

Zoe Warren

The pistol brace rule has been shot down! This is a really bad arrangement for government action: tyrants write a rule and start enforcing it then citizens have to hire high power lawyers to stop the enforcement of policies that have the force of law, but are not laws created by the legislators that are supposed to enact the laws. And, our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Lufkin, Texas where a man had to stop a carjacker who was trying to drive off with the man’s wife and 4 month old daughter. At the end of the day, there is only one testimony that matters: the testimony of the one who survives.

YouTube's Communist Standards Increasing, Naked MMA Fighter Gets a New Piercing

Zoe Warren

YouTube's Communist Standards Increasing, Trump Loses Gun Rights, & Naked MMA Fighter Gets a New Piercing YouTube should totally change the name of its brand to OurTube- it would better describe the experience of users being crippled by its nanny state “community standards” which are ever more restrictive. Thanks to Alvin Bragg, Youtube is banning more gun related content. Surprise. New York’s gun rights tyranny doesn’t stop there. It looks like President Donald Trump will lose his ability to defend himself from criminals through the bearing of arms in New York over non violent felonies. Hey, maybe this is a good time for some common sense gun laws. It doesn’t make any sense to infringe upon the gun rights of people who have committed non violent felonies. If he didn’t agree before, I am certain that Trump will agree with us now. And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman Spotlight is on Orange County California where a rideshare driver leapt into action to defend his neighbor. When he pulled up to find a naked man engaged in a full on MMA match with a middle aged woman, he fired a warning shot. What happens next? You’re watching 2A For Today! My name is Zoe.