
Did SCOTUS Get It Wrong On Restraining Order 2A Ruling?

June 24, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta, Joe Wolverton

In overturning a lower court's decision, the Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone with a domestic-violence restraining order leveled against him is barred from having firearms. The chief justice said the decision aligns with traditional laws preventing people posing a danger to fellow citizens from being armed. Constitutional law expert Joe Wolverton Jr. joins us to discuss the constitutionality of the decision.   

Also in this episode:  

23:05 | SCOTUS upheld a Trump-era corporate tax on foreign investments. 

37:10 | Nearly half of current electric-vehicle owners want to go back to gas-powered vehicles. 

51:25 | Donald Trump made a campaign promise Reagan made but never delivered on regarding the education department.  


Read "Clarence Thomas: The Court's Leading Constitutionalist." https://thenewamerican.com/print/clarence-thomas-the-courts-leading-constitutionalist/ 

Watch "Red Flag Laws in SC? Guns Taken in SWAT Raid, Unconvicted." https://thenewamerican.com/video/red-flag-laws-in-sc-guns-taken-in-swat-raid-unconvicted/ 

Take action to Save Our Children from Public Schools HERE. https://jbs.org/children/ 

The Left Turns On Biden After Expected Bad Debate. What Next?

June 28, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

Is Biden toast? That’s what Politico declared after a debate performance against Donald Trump that was as awful as anyone paying attention would’ve expected. Mainstream media uniformly broadcast the same sentiment. Biden froze, he rambled incoherently, he lost his train of thought, and spoke with a raspy voice that only emphasized his already his feeble condition. In this episode, we break down many aspects of the debate. 

If They Can Take Down Infowars, Who’s Next?

June 26, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

In 2018, Alex Jones became one of the most banned persons in the world. Nearly every mainstream internet platform erased him overnight. Two years later, they came for millions of other “conspiracy theorists,” prompting a complete media landscape reorientation. Now the spotlight is on Jones again, this time on the attempt to shut down his media platform, Infowars. Is Alex Jones the canary in the coal mine—again?

Supreme Court Upholds Covid-era Censorship

June 26, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit

The Supremes thumbed their collective noses today at freedom of speech and the First Amendment by saying that the challengers to government censorship of the Internet have no standing.