
The New American Daily

Truth Behind The News

The Left Turns On Biden After Expected Bad Debate. What Next?

June 28, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

Is Biden toast? That’s what Politico declared after a debate performance against Donald Trump that was as awful as anyone paying attention would’ve expected. Mainstream media uniformly broadcast the same sentiment. Biden froze, he rambled incoherently, he lost his train of thought, and spoke with a raspy voice that only emphasized his already his feeble condition. In this episode, we break down many aspects of the debate. 

If They Can Take Down Infowars, Who’s Next?

June 26, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

In 2018, Alex Jones became one of the most banned persons in the world. Nearly every mainstream internet platform erased him overnight. Two years later, they came for millions of other “conspiracy theorists,” prompting a complete media landscape reorientation. Now the spotlight is on Jones again, this time on the attempt to shut down his media platform, Infowars. Is Alex Jones the canary in the coal mine—again?

Supreme Court Upholds Covid-era Censorship

June 26, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit

The Supremes thumbed their collective noses today at freedom of speech and the First Amendment by saying that the challengers to government censorship of the Internet have no standing. 

The Real Agenda Behind Government’s Vaccine Obsession

June 25, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

A congressional investigation reveals that White House officials bullied the largest book retailer in the world, Amazon, to suppress a pile of books critical not just of the Covid injection but vaccines in general. The list of childhood vaccines has grown exponentially over the last half century. All this begs the question: Since the government has made it clear that public safety is not its primary concern, why is it so obsessed with the public perception of vaccines?

Did SCOTUS Get It Wrong On Restraining Order 2A Ruling?

June 24, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta, Joe Wolverton

In overturning a lower court's decision, the Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone with a domestic-violence restraining order leveled against him is barred from having firearms. The chief justice said the decision aligns with traditional laws preventing people posing a danger to fellow citizens from being armed. Constitutional law expert Joe Wolverton Jr. joins us to discuss the constitutionality of the decision.    Also in this episode:   23:05 | SCOTUS upheld a Trump-era corporate tax on foreign investments.  37:10 | Nearly half of current electric-vehicle owners want to go back to gas-powered vehicles.  51:25 | Donald Trump made a campaign promise Reagan made but never delivered on regarding the education department.   RELATED   Read https://thenewamerican.com/print/clarence-thomas-the-courts-leading-constitutionalist/ https://thenewamerican.com/print/clarence-thomas-the-courts-leading-constitutionalist  Watch https://thenewamerican.com/video/red-flag-laws-in-sc-guns-taken-in-swat-raid-unconvicted/ https://thenewamerican.com/video/red-flag-laws-in-sc-guns-taken-in-swat-raid-unconvicted  Take action to Save Our Children from Public Schools https://jbs.org/children/. https://jbs.org/children 

Why is Congress Suddenly Unleashing Nuclear Energy?

June 20, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit

In a rare moment of sanity, Congress passed a nuclear energy package designed to unleash one of the greatest sources of cheap, reliable, powerful energy. The bill is heading to Joe Biden’s desk, which he’s expected to sign. Reviving the once thriving nuclear energy sector will be a boon for Americans, which begs the question: Why the sudden turnaround on energy that has for decades been unjustly vilified?  Also in this episode:  @ 22:28 | For the first time in history, the U.S. faces a nuclear-armed alliance in Russia and North Korea;  @ 43:05 | It is summer, it is hot, and—right on cue—the climate stooges are freaking out;  RELATED Read https://thenewamerican.com/us/tech/energy/environmentalisms-opposition-to-nuclear-energy/ Watch https://thenewamerican.com/video/u-s-needs-to-ratchet-up-natural-gas-oil-and-nuclear-energy-sectors-frank-lasee/ Read https://thenewamerican.com/print/climate-alarmists-unmasked/_pdf/

Is It Time to Take Bird Flu Seriously?

June 18, 2024 • Paul Dragu, Steve Bonta

News reports about bird flu have gushed from mainstream media spigots continuously over the last few months. And considering the track record of “public health officials,” Americans have been right to treat the reports with skepticism. Nevertheless, bird flu has already affected food production and a former CDC director is warning that a human pandemic is inevitable thanks to the actions of humans, not the disease.

Biden Further Entangles U.S. with Ukraine

June 17, 2024 • Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit, Rebecca Terrell

Ukraine is now a formal ally of the United States, thanks to a new 10-year bilateral security agreement signed last Thursday by Biden and Zelensky at the G-7 conference. The agreement commits the U.S. to continue defending Ukraine, sharing military technology, imposing economic sanctions on Russia, etc.

Our Special Report on the War Against Humanity

Steve Bonta

Was the Covid-19 pandemic deliberately engineered for biowarfare, with depopulation as its ultimate goal? In this episode of the Daily Report, The New American’s Dennis Behreandt, Steve Bonta, and Gary Benoit, discuss the magazine’s new Special Report that puts Covid in the context of the broader war against humanity. The contents include an exclusive interview on the Covid Cartel by Senator Ron Johnson, as well as articles on fifth-generation warfare by Drs. Jill Glasspool Malone and Robert Malone, vaccines and mortality by Dr. Peter McCullough, the fusion of pharma and state by Mary Holland, the glyphosate problem by Dr. Stephani Seneff, and the war on fertility by Dr. Kimberly Bliss. Scary stuff? Yes! But the war against humanity can be exposed and thwarted. You’ll not want to miss this episode, which hits on some of the highlights of this Special Report.

Will Disgraced Attorney General Garland be Arrested for His Contempt of Congress?

June 13, 2024 • Steve Bonta, Christian Gomez, Joe Wolverton

The House of Representatives voted 216 to 207 yesterday to hold the disgraced attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Now the question is, will the House force the Sergeant of Arms to arrest Garland? Rep. Anna Paula Luna of Florida has said she will try to get the House to vote on an "inherent contempt," which is different from yesterday's contempt vote against Garland.  Also in this episode:   21:10 | Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton leads the fight against Biden administration federal tyranny, winning impressive victories on two fronts this week.   31:15 | In his “The Dershow,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz blasts away at the United Nations.   50:00 | John Birch Society researcher Christian Gomez stress the importance of local police truly independent from federal control.

The Hunter Biden Bait and Switch

June 12, 2024 • Steve Bonta, Peter Rykowski, Joe Wolverton

With the media agog over Hunter Biden’s felony gun convictions, we discuss why these charges are dubious and are a deliberate distraction from the real Biden scandals. Meanwhile, as Trump’s legal team weighs its options in appealing the Manhattan verdict, we look at possible legal remedies. Also, a long-suppressed tape surfaces of Nancy Pelosi taking partial responsibility for the events of J6.

What Will They Do Next?

June 11, 2024 • Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit, Joe Wolverton

With Trump riding high in the polls, the Deep State has unleashed a new propaganda scare campaign like no other, forecasting an American Third Reich if Trump is elected. We look at a sampling of the over-the-top lies and left-wing hysteria mongering. We also ask: If lies and lawfare don’t work, what will they try next?

Biden vs. Reagan: Contrasting Images at Normandy

June 10, 2024 • Steve Bonta, Gary Benoit, Peter Rykowski

Biden's advanced cognitive deterioration hit the world stage last week during the events honoring the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Biden's octogenarian antics both amused and horrified viewers worldwide, who are concerned that America's role as a world leader has come to a bumbling, fumbling end. By contrast with his presidential predecessors, such as Reagan 40 years ago, Biden's performance was a sorry spectacle indeed. Also in this episode: 21:57 | So-called far right parties, especially the National Rally led by Marine Le Pen in France, made impressive gains in the European Parliament. 38:31 | Assuming the allegations have merit, where are the criminal referrals against members of Biden Family — including the Big Guy — for money laundering, corruption, etc.? 41:45 | Boston Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla is asked a race-baiting question, and his short response leaves the room in silence. 47:16 | Senior Editor William F. Jasper warns about Deep State machinations to radicalize the Right.

The Rise of Alternative Media with Kate Dalley

Paul Dragu

A recent Gallup poll found that only 34 percent of Americans believe the media at all, while 38 percent have no faith in mass media whatsoever. This is the first time the percentage of Americans with zero trust in the media is higher than the percentage with any trust. Part of this seismic shift in the media landscape includes a rise in “alternative media.” Kate Dalley is part of the cohort of alternative media rising stars. In this interview with Paul Dragu, she discusses why American lost trust in the MSM, her views on Elon Musk, feminism, homosexuality, and the future of America.

RNC Preparing for A Jailed Trump

Paul Dragu

With the Republican National Convention just a little over a month away, for the first time in its history RNC leaders are working to figure out how to accommodate a nominee who may be in prison. Donald Trump, who was convicted of 34 felonies, is scheduled for sentencing just days before the convention.