
AI Artwork: A Closer Look/ Beyond the Cover

June 1, 2023 • Gary Benoit, Joe Kelly

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But how about pictures created by AI? Will AI images become commonplace? Will they prove to be worth more than a thousand words, figuratively speaking? Will they accurately capture the world in which we live? And to what extent might the AI technology be used for nefarious purposes to create a new, false reality? Regarding the latter question, what can be done to avoid, or expose, the deception? In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews The New American’s creative director, Joseph Kelly, about the use of AI to create imagery. During the discussion, Joe explains the advantages of using AI to create imagery, as well as the pitfalls. For some of his examples of AI imagery, he uses the cover of The New American’s Special Report on “The Future of Tech,” as well as other imagery in the “AI Artwork” article in that report. And he takes us through the process of creating imagery using AI.


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To get The New American’s Special Report on “The Future of Tech,” visit https://shopjbs.org/product/tna3911/

Larry McDonald’s Legacy

August 24, 2023 • Gary Benoit, Christian Gomez

Larry McDonald was the best Congressman in the United States during his tenure in Congress during the 1970s and 80s, according to the “Conservative Index,” the precursor to The New American’s Freedom Index, our congressional scorecard based on the U.S. Constitution. He was also chairman of The John Birch Society, when the passenger airliner he was on was downed by at least one Soviet missile on September 1, 1983. In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews John Birch Society project manager Christian Gomez, who wrote an article commemorating Larry McDonald entitled “Larry’s Legacy,” and who has great admiration for him.

The Second Amendment at Work

August 17, 2023 • Gary Benoit

Most mass shootings in the United States take place in the workplace. But what makes the workplace a target of choice for would-be killers? And what can be done to make the workplace safer? In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews Drew Dorans about this question. Drew is the HR Director for both The John Birch Society and its affiliate The New American at our headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin. The HQ buildings have small signs on the doors saying, “Criminals beware! Concealed carry permit holders welcome here.” So you know where we stand. And of course, we firmly believe that our pro-Second Amendment stance makes our workplace far safer than those who foolishly declare that their businesses are “gun-free zones.” Drew wrote the article “The Second Amendment at Work” in the August 28 issue of The New American.   To read “The Second Amendment at Work” by Drew Dorans, visit https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fthenewamerican.com%2fprint%2fthe-second-amendment-at-work%2f&data=05%7c01%7cbmueller%40thenewamerican.com%7c83a8fe02eabe40a4d12108db9f6a1597%7c4e853fd1cff34ed5a9b82e00cc49919c%7c0%7c0%7c638279050215423011%7cunknown%7ctwfpbgzsb3d8eyjwijoimc4wljawmdailcjqijoiv2lumziilcjbtii6ik1hawwilcjxvci6mn0%3d%7c3000%7c%7c%7c&sdata=ic4sp8bh4e01nxqbq2pgbwehildwwgc4swis0wfyl70%3d&reserved=0   To subscribe to The New American, visit http://thenewamerican.com/subscribe/

Is It Too Late for America?

August 10, 2023 • Gary Benoit, Steve Bonta

Social unrest, government corruption, economic and financial instability, nuclear weapons, moral depravity — is it too late to save America from destruction? Many Americans, including newly many awakened Americans, undoubtedly think that it is. But The New American and its parent organization The John Birch Society strongly disagree. In fact, we are very hopeful for the future — though admittedly saving America from falling into the abyss of despotism will require not only the great awakening but also the active participation of the awakened in the freedom movement. In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews executive senior editor Steve Bonta about why we are so hopeful for the future. Steve is the author of the cover story “Is It Too Late for America?” in the August 28 print edition of The New American magazine.