
Waste Management: Wasted Life

June 9, 2024 • Garry Firth • Luke 12:13–21, Philippians 1:20–21

1. What’s the worst movie you have ever seen? What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen?

2. What did you dream your life would be like when you were a kid? (What did you want to be/do?)

3. Read Luke 12:13-19. What stands out to you? Why do you think it was wrong for the man to want to build bigger barns? 

4. Read Luke 12:20-21. What steps can you take to ensure that you are "rich toward God"?

5. Read Philippians 1:20-21. What would it look like for Christ to be exalted in your life? 

6. What else stood out to you in this week’s message?