
When In Rome: Two Deals, Deal #2 Embrace Grace!

October 8, 2023 • Russ Smith • Romans 3:10–11, Romans 3:20–26, Matthew 5:21–22, Matthew 5:27–28

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. If you could be a contestant on a game show like Let’s Make A Deal or The Price Is Right, what show would you be on?

2. In the message, Russ gave examples of not measuring up like a kid being under-height for riding a roller coaster and someone being unqualified to get hired for a job. What kinds of situations like that have you had in your life?

3. We’ve been talking about Two Deals. Deal #1 is about being obedient to all of God’s laws and rules. In what ways are you struggling or have struggled with Deal #1?

4. Deal #2 is to embrace grace because “Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight”. We embrace grace by believing and receiving the amazing gift of God forgiving us and making us right with him based on what Jesus did for us. Where are you at with Deal #2?

5. From the two opening songs (Losing My Religion by REM, Stitches by Switchfoot), we talked about how we need to lose our religion and rip out the seams (the temporary “tacking stitches”). What are some ways we can lose our religion and and rip out the seams?

6. Not only do we get to embrace grace, but Jesus-followers also get to dispense grace. What’s one way you could actively give out grace this week?

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