
Next Steps: Serving

February 26, 2023 • Garry Firth • Isaiah 1:16–17, Mark 10:42–45, John 19:26–27, Luke 23:34–43, 1 Corinthians 11:23–26

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. How long have you attended TMP? What made you decide to come to a service?

2. What thoughts go through your head when you hear the word serving? 

3. Read Mark 10:45. What do these words have to say about God and what he is like?

4. What was your biggest takeaway from today’s message or the entire series?

5. Take some time as you pray this week to meditate on Jesus' words about service.  Ask God to show you opportunities where you might serve by taking care of your family members, asking for or extending forgiveness to someone, or offering a gift of life. 

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